These Ingredients Are Often Dangerous, Unless In Vaccines

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We should question everything when it comes to the health of our loved ones. Dangerous ingredients MAGICALLY become safe when put into vaccines, even beneficial. Some ingredients may be safe for some, while extremely dangerous to others, but there are never any questions asked or warnings before you are injected. Imagine people who are highly sensitive to peanuts unknowingly being injected with a peanut extract for starters! This happens actually quite often to uninformed recipients.

Then of course we have things like Formaldehyde, yes, the same stuff your science teacher had in those jars with frogs in them. Mercury, if you drop a vile in in a school, they will evacuate the school and bring in a hazmat team, yet injecting it is OK? I think we need to be informed of exactly what we are doing and not just blindly walk into a Wal Mart and let some person inject us with very little if any intelligent prior discussion.

Here are just a few of those ‘magical’ ingredients.

Mercury (as Thimerosal)
Polysorbate 80
Human Blood Plasma
Bovine Cow Serum
Live Viruses
Egg Proteins (many people are allergic to eggs!)

I would like to share a personal story, 100% absolutely true. In a very uncharacteristic sheeplike moment, I followed the crowd. I was working away at a very large well known multinational corporation during Christmas week, a time when many others were celebrating early, but I had way too much work to get done for that. People all week were asking me to lunch, cookies down the hall, etc. but I had to get my designs done and out the door before the holiday commenced.

Finally, in serious need of a break, a group of friends walked by and said, c’mon, just go for a walk with us and get a flu shot, and so I did, really just for the break. That was the first, last and only flu shot of my life. I was very sick within 3 hours and had the worst flu of my life for the next 2 weeks with all the worst symptoms, I will spare you the details! Never again for me will I just do something so blindly. That experience opened my eyes really to all medicines and procedures, and now I do some research before undertaking anything new.

I am not here to say all vaccines have to be bad, but I am here to say the way they are being administered currently defies the usual protocols of safety used for other medicines. Imagine giving the same size shot to a baby that you would give to an adult. You would never do that even with an aspirin but with a vaccine, it is somehow OK! Also, this is a personal freedom issue for me. Other people who got the same shot did not get sick, but for me it was very bad. No government or other entity should have power to try to force me into injecting something into my body. The decision is MINE ALONE!!

In closing, we should eliminate all the dangerous ingredients without question, this is just plain common sense. I would like to add, you could swallow rattlesnake poison and if you had no open wounds, it probably would not affect you at all, but injecting the poison is an increased elevation of factor that would probably result in death. Injections bypass your skin and intestinal system, two very important immune system protections your body has in place to protect you from harmful substances. Let us as patients, parents, doctors, nurses discuss this topic with open minds from both sides of the argument without getting emotional or angry in a more constructive way than is currently being done to the benefit of all.


My disclaimer, The above references are an opinion and for information purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for medical advice.

This article as expected is already being attacked. Here are some more resources for you to investigate the ingredients for yourself. It takes all of us taking a stand against the money grabbers that care not for the children, just the profits.

This link is almost endless in its depth of information, you can dig many layers deep for many hours, even days.


' used to work at a MNC' who are you to even mention sheep, you've been a sheep your entire life lol.

There is a bunch of myths in this article, Thiomersal is not used in Western children's vaccines. Same with peanuts, there are compounds derived from allergenic material but the derived substance is not allergenic at all.

Finally you forgot to even mention the most common allergen in vaccines which is geletin.

Anyway 2/10 not even complete list of fake news.

a pros and cons list is no substitute for critical thinking, anyone can make one of those about any topic and all of a sudden it becomes a controversial issue. Just because there is a page on the internet doesn't mean you should trust it. Who do you trust more? A non-profit in Hollywood (your source) or a hospital (my source). it doesnt change the fact that there is nothing in vaccines that isn't already a part of many products sold in the industrial food system. at least with vaccine schedules none us get the measles.

By the way, yes , I did work at a big company so as to provide income and benefits for my young family for a while, but I retired at a young age and now am totally free to do as I choose now. I did it all buy not blindly listening to anyone just because they said so, except on the rare occasion like the one I shared in the article. I urge others to do the same , that is why I shared this info, not to attack people that vaccinate, but to keep the ones that choose not to to be able to maintain that choice. What is your agenda? You are not a pharma rep or something like that, are you? Why would you care otherwise what I do with my body?

Yeah, vaccines are meant to make the common population dumber and weaker. Vaccinations are known to cause cancer, autism in kids, birth defects, etc. So stay the hell away from em'

I agree, they are not for me any longer, I learned my lesson.

Amazing news

Thank you , very appreciated, the article is already getting attacked as expected.

Just make it fun. Lets we do the best thing.

i'm not here to judge, all i want to say is: it should be my decision to get vaccinated. Governments all over the world forcing children to get vaccinated. Is that the right way? You not even get any information. It's always like: It's good for you and now shut up. That's the point when i get suspicious.

Exactly, I am not stopping anyone that wants to vaccinate, but they sure want to force us against our will, and the one I got in my adult life, made me very sick. Will not do it again under any circumstances, but that is my choice and should remain that way.

So what u gonna do when they want to vaccinate your children? In most countries you go to jail if u refuse. It's reality nowadays. There is no real escape from it.. like @myzozoa mentioned before, it's already in our food and water. Ok not that hard like you pointed out, but its the sum of all that chemicals everywhere around us. The only option u have is be aware of all that shit, or become a farmer and teach yourself how to solve it for your time on earth.

Where I live, there are still options, thankfully. I think educating people like this article does can help keep it that way. Also, for people that have lost their freedoms of choice already, they can educate as well and reverse that. Their fight will be harder, but not insurmountable. It is because of our ignorance and to some extent laziness, we always let others dominate. I mean most people want to go home and play with their kids, or go fishing, golfing, etc., but that certain segment who want to dominate always strive for those postions of power, and we typically let them! This is the cycle that must be stopped, especially when it comes to our children which is precisely where this battle is being targeted and waged. Knowledge is freedom and power.

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