Homeopathy helped me with post-partum, fertility and beyond.

in #health6 years ago (edited)


Our homeopathy journey started when I was really struggling to recover post partum from my first pregnancy.

Baby was already over a year old and I was still feeling fatigued, had body aches and pains, and had started suffering with migraines too. I had endometriosis symptoms that were creeping back after the gynae promised ‘pregnancy will take it all away’. Add to that a previous laparoscopic procedure for same.

I hadn’t lost the baby weight the way I’d hoped, not did I have anywhere near enough energy to even think about exercising.
At this time and for the past few months we had also been trying to conceive our second baby , but nothing was happing.

So I consulted Niloofar, we did some blood tests and discovered a hypothyroid condition.
Niloofar had me on her remedies , along with advice on supplements to take.

Initially it took a while to work, but by 6 weeks into the course something had changed and I started to feel so much better.

Better than I had in years. I had energy, no brain fog, I was motivated to do exercise. My mood had lifted and I felt ‘myself’.

A few weeks after this revelation I felt quite ill and got worried about the symptoms returning, only to discover what I was feeling was pregnancy!

Routine ante natal blood tests showed a huge improvement in my thyroid condition.
And so far has been a healthy natural pregnancy, with far less symptoms than my first.

During my first trimester a urine culture test showed I had a UTI. I was feeling more tired than usual had back pain and bladder spasms, and needing to urinate very frequently.

After antibiotics were recommended for the infection I consulted Niloofar for an alternative.
Aware that a UTI can cause complications during pregnancy we acted swiftly.
Niloofar gave me remedies and we kept a close eye on the condition.
The symptoms resolved, and a follow up urine culture showed that the infection had cleared. I was very happy that this way I had avoided harsh antibiotic treatment during pregnancy.

Later on I had a pregnancy consultation with Niloofar.
I explained I was having symptoms such as early onset heart burn, constipation, hot flushes and feeling over emotional too.
All typical pregnancy complaints.
After a remedy was prescribed, I felt almost immediate relief from the heartburn, as well as the other symptoms described.

Nadia, Qatar