Flax seeds and how to apply them.

in #health8 years ago

In flax seeds a rich composition of macro-and micronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, aluminum, Nickel, iodine, boron), flax seed concentrate selenium.

Cold infusion of seeds of flax.
Gently stimulates bile and urine output, has a laxative and immunostimulant effect. Can be used for food poisoning.

Take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day in small SIPS.

1 tablespoon of flax seeds pour 200 ml of water or milk, boil 10 minutes on slow fire, filter. Take the infusion of flax seeds, 2-3 tbsp. spoon in small SIPS in the morning and evening.

In acute bronchitis with a dry irritating cough.
A mixture of 100 g of powder flax seeds and 500 grams of honey take 1 teaspoon with warm water 8-10 times a day. After relieving cough added to the mixture 1 teaspoon of powder anise fruit, fennel and ginger. Take 4-6 times daily between meals.

For healing wounds and burns.
The flax seed oil is mixed with the protein of raw eggs is 1:1, for mitigating and pain-relieving lotions.

The enlargement of the blood vessels on the face.
To make cool masks from flax seeds, rinse with cold water.

Chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
To make linseed oil for 1 hour-1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day before meals or during meals.

Broth of seeds of flax and used in folk medicine forms on the walls of the stomach lining film to prevent the fats in the body and flax seeds are increasing in volume and absorbing moisture reduce the feeling of hunger. Allowing you to lose weight flax seed cleanses toxins, enhances immunity, reduces the risk of cancer.

Adding flax seed to food easily get rid of couple of extra pounds, you need only 2 tablespoons of flax seeds per day and no diet is needed. Flax seed, ground or whole, can be sprinkled on cereal, add flax to salads, stews, vegetable and meat dishes, soups — they are easier to assimilate and become healthier minerals and vitamins will be ingested, and the extra pounds to leave, a double benefit, not a tool for weight loss to brag about this effect.

Flax seed oil nutritional value for the body surely takes the first place among other vegetable oils.

A decoction of flax seeds

Decoction of flax seed essential folk remedy for weight loss. To prepare a decoction pour 2 tablespoons of flax seeds in an enamel pot 3 cups of water and on low heat simmer for 10 minutes, let the decoction to cool down len, you can do not strain. Take half a Cup of warm broth Flaxseed per hour before meals for flavor, you can add in flax seed pudding a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice.

To make an infusion of flax seed pour 2 cups boiling water in a thermos overnight 1 tablespoon of seeds. Strain in the morning, drink three times a day half an hour before meals in 100 ml. of warm infusion.

Long-term use of decoction of flax seed banned for two weeks taking flax, then make a break for two weeks. These cycles take a decoction of flax seeds to 3 months, then make a 1 month break.

The broth will reduce appetite, aiding in weight loss, normalize blood sugar levels and improve the immune system, clears the skin, it becomes velvety and soft, the nails are strengthened, you begin to Shine the hair.
Vitamin cocktail with flax. To prepare a vitamin cocktail to grind in a coffee grinder 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, add a glass for freshly squeezed carrot juice and drive back the flax seed oil 1 teaspoon. Give the cocktail to Mature for 5 minutes, stir and drink immediately.

A simple recipe for weight loss ground flax seed added to yogurt or yogurt. Take this mixture 2 weeks, three times a day before meals for half an hour. In the first week 100 ml. of low-fat yogurt mixed with 1 teaspoon of crushed flax seeds in the second week flax seed in yogurt already added 2 tsp. Make as a decoction of flax, with breaks in 2 weeks

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