How To Throw Weak Down Lethargic during Fasting

in #health6 years ago

The holy month of Ramadan has become one of the most eagerly anticipated moments of Muslims every year, both as a means of cleansing themselves and to experience the vibrant tradition that accompanies it.

However, as quoted from Medical News Today on Monday (28/05/2018), sometimes appear tired, bored, and not enthusiastic when running the fast.

Moreover, if associated with the same daily activities dense with ordinary days, fasting can sometimes trigger a sense of reluctance and lazy to move.

In fact, fasting should be used as a learning arena to become a better person, including how to maintain a positive spirit within.

In order for fasting activities will always be accompanied by feelings of spirit, here are four great tips to ward off attacks "lethargic and weak".

1. Alert Dehydration

Could be, many people imagine difficult to do this, considering the fasting that generally lasts more than 12 hours in the daytime.

However, if observed further, there are some simple tricks to keep the body hydrated during a full day of fasting.

One of the most commonly recommended is to drink water with a 2-4-2 pattern, which is to drink two glasses of water during breaking, four glasses throughout the night, and two glasses at dawn.

In addition, avoid caffeinated drinks during fasting, because if consumed 3-6 hours before bedtime, risk of triggering difficulty sleeping and likely to wake up in the middle of the night

2. Pay attention to Food Intake When Sahur

Foods made from flour and contain high levels of sugar, will trigger excessive glucose production, which resulted in fatigue.

For that, it is advisable to set a balanced diet at dawn. If you're wondering how to get started, you can add vegetables, protein, or fruits to the meal.

In addition, as much as possible also reduce the consumption of fatty and oily food, because it will make the body tend to feel thirsty during the daytime fasting.

Some nutritionists recommend eggs as one of the main ingredients at dawn, as each grain is capable of energizing 80 calories.

Just one or two boiled eggs in the menu dawn, then the body will get enough energy support to undergo daily activities.

3. Do not Forget Sports

Quiet, this does not mean you are required to exercise hard as a gym practice, but an appeal to keep doing fitness movement after meal, in the middle of the day, and before breaking the fast.

No one requires hard fitness training, but quite a few mild moves that stimulate the production of sweat.

A simple example is to start walking habits at least 10 minutes every day, can be in the morning, or late afternoon before breaking the fast.

4. Sleep Well

Getting a good night's sleep is not difficult, though many people often admit it is difficult.

Simply put, if one wants to sleep soundly, it must be supported by a healthy lifestyle.

Just to increase the intake of healthy foods alone, is enough to help someone to get a good night's sleep.

Especially when running fast, make sure to eat enough during meal and breaking. Avoid excessive eating, even until the glut, because it will make the body's metabolism disturbed.

Also make sure not to stay too often if it is not necessary, especially in the work day, because it will take energy, and then lead to acute fatigue the next day.

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