Life Beyond Chemotherapy

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Are There Alternatives To Chemo?

I'm working with a man with recently diagnosed late-stage pancreatic cancer.  He's a gentle, sanguine man.  He has bright yellow skin due to the tumour causing obstructive liver disease and he has problems with his lymphatic system causing oedema of the legs [which is what I was called to treat] not resolved by diuretic drugs, though his kidneys are unaffected.  He is very thin and weak and fairly elderly.  

In a few days we've managed to impact on leg oedema and his pain levels have improved, allowing him to drop his intake of co-codamol.  

I gave him graphites 30c 3 times daily for 3 days, to be continued once daily if he is taking co-codamol [which is an opiate and can antidote remedies, hence the continued dosing].  He fits the graphites mental/emotional picture nicely and graphites is a remedy indicated for tumours in general ... and it fit his symptoms well.  
Cancers occur predominantly in people with low immune systems so we don't expect to have clear symptoms to guide us.  A weak immune system rarely can maintain continuity to produce clarity for homeopaths to follow.   
Where you see the occasional spontaneous recovery and miracle cure with diet the person is one of the rare high level of health cancer sufferers. 

Although I've been asked to treat his oedema, as a homeopath I'm always looking for a remedy that covers his holistic state, which will lead me more surely to the remedy for his oedema and may make some palliative improvement to his overall condition.  I'm also aware he is waiting for an appointment with the Banerji clinic in India. 

I've been doing a routine literature search on homeopathic treatment of pancreatic cancer. 

This leads me to write my second article about chemotherapy ... or more about what homeopathy has been shown to do in cancer cases in comparison to chemotherapy.  I'm very interested in this subject because for some years [since my mum had cancer and my father-in-law had cancer] I feel a calling to be ready if someone comes to me asking for treatment, or another family member [or myself] have cancer, and I'm not particularly ready.  
Currently, I refer people to the Banerjis in India who have some great outcomes with a homeopathic cancer protocol. People don't have time to wait for a reply from the Banerjis in cases like my current one.

More homeopaths need to step up and offer alternative treatment [although we are legally banned from saying we can treat it, in the UK at least].  As people become more aware that chemo may not be all it is sold to be, they are going to be asking homeopaths for an alternative.  Cancer [like autism, my own specialism] is on the increase. 


Pancreatic Cancer Homeopathic Research.

I'm interested by pancreatic cancer due to my current work and as it is one of the most aggressive and deadly forms.  It killed my mother-in-law [of whom I was very fond] and I have an extended family member suffering with it too.  

In my literature search I came across this study

I wanted to mention their outcomes because they are working with a comparative conventional success rate of 1-2% max in situations similar to the one my patient is in.  

The cancer types considered in this study are among the most intractable and deadly malignancies. Conventional treatment of these conditions, though improving, is still of very limited effectiveness. For instance, in the last decade with the use of the standard first-line therapy gemcitabine, median overall survival for advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma has increased from 3–4 months to 5–8 months,1 while 5-year survival of the non-resectable form is nearly unchanged at a dismal 1–2%.2,3 Roughly 80% of all pancreatic malignancies are inoperable at diagnosis.4 Therefore, results of this study, which demonstrate a 19–38-fold improvement compared to conventional treatment in five-year survival of non-resectable pancreatic cancer are, to put it mildly, intriguing.

compared to their key findings:

Key Findings
Complete tumor response occurred in 33.33% of those diagnosed with stage III disease and 10.71% of those with stage IV. Partial response occurred in 41.03% and 33.93% respectively.Five-year survival rates were 38.64% (pancreatic), 38.1% (gastric), 37.5% (gallbladder), and 43.75% (liver).

I've ordered the Banerji protocol book.  
I can't keep referring patients to avoid treating them when the clinic I'm referring to is over run, so I need to get up to speed with some of these treatment protocols to add to our standard homeopathy.  

Right now my aim is palliation but the best way to palliate is to shrink a tumour.  It's worth trying.  


Great initiative. People need alternatives to the dreadful chemo, something that might actually work.

Keto diet... If it was me, that is what I would do. Oh, yeah, I AM doing that to try to prevent cancer...
Good luck! It is a terrible position to be in, to have the knowledge and willingness to attempt to CURE but are prevented from doing so by insane laws and frightened patients...

I’m not entirely sure I have the knowledge or willingness but I’m working on finding it.

Best wishes and prayers for your success. Please keep us updated.



Many thanks @reatr :-)
I'll keep you updated.

Great work Sally. This could be very complementary to the work I am doing with META-Health. Could be good to have a chat some time. I've just done a post on META-Health this evening.

I’ll check it out. Let’s zoom sometime soon perhaps?

Love to - shall I book it via your Calendly next week?

Good thinking Sam. A first consult spot will give us a little over an hour.

I’ve book marked your video for watching tomorrow.

Do the cancer remedies you know of so far all involve boosting the immune system? And with your autistic patients, do you combine it with diet, or do you get results just from homeopathy?

Hi Kiwideb. I don't tend to use diet with autism as that's usually in place and isn't my expertise. I use homeopathy [classical, single remedy style] combined with homeopathic detox of causative substances [vaccines, metals, antibiotics, steroids etc] and sometimes I use remedies to support organs like the liver when detoxing.
I think homeopathy always works by raising the state of the immune system because homeopathy relies upon stimulating the immune system for the body to do the healing it should be able to do. I look at it as if the body has reached a healing hump in the road and the homeopathy works to raise the healing energy of the body enough to get you up over the hump and rolling along. If you stop rolling, we intervene with another remedy to stimulate the next stage of healing.

I'm studying the treatment of cancer. You can treat any condition as a homeopath by pulling all the symptoms together. So technically you don't have to have seen another case like it and every case is individual, whatever the complaints involved. However, as with autism, with cancer it really helps to have a handle on what people have had success with and familiarity with the remedies that come up time and again in that context.

RNA viruses are inhibited by Tetrasilver Tetroxide US Pat 5676977 or US Pat 6485755

Methods of using electron active compounds for managing cancer
US 6485755

Conclusions of IV Tetrasilver Tetroxide Study

  1. Tetrasilver tetroxide is preferably delivered in an IV solution to inhibit undesirable side effects.

  2. Tetrasilver tetroxide administered by IV appears to stop the growth of the breast cancer.

  3. Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to stimulate the normal breast cells and allows them to replace the anaphasic cells in the breast carcinoma.

  4. Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure infiltrative breast carcinoma in a 24 day period.

  5. Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure ductile carcinoma special type, medular breast carcinoma in a 30 day period.

  6. Tetrasilver tetroxide appears to cure infiltrative lobular breast cancer in a 30 days period.

  7. Although certain patients developed mild cases of hepatomegaly, the liver functioning was not impaired as evidenced by the normal levels of liver function enzymes in the blood stream.

Clearly, on a level, anything that causes a cancer to go into remission is good news.
However, I’d be concerned about side effects of silver oxide (I’ll link to a homeopathic proving of it when I can get on my laptop). I see liver function enzymes remained normal but that doesn’t paint a whole picture for me.
First principal is do no harm.
My next concern is that silver oxide in this material form is unlikely to impact upon the underlying causes of the cancer and therefore would leave the predisposition to it untouched.

Homeopathy works on strengthening the body’s defence mechanism (‘immune system’) so that the body can eradicate the cancer. It also doesn’t create side effects in the process.

That’s what I LOVE about Homeopathy.


Thanks for the upvotes @healthbasics 😄 keep seeing them come in.

@sallylloyd upvoted check out my post today I have tons of info on all this

Have some testimonials to prove this ;)

Thanks. I’ll take a look.

Of course there is
I just posted some great information on this same subject .

Cancer is a business


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