How to Yoga - Hero's Pose

in #health8 years ago

Good day, Steemians!

I'm bubbling over with gratitude for you,

and I'm excited to share everything I know

about the super powers of yoga in thanks, but 

~there's a lot to take in here~

so I'll take it slow.

YOGA is union:

a joining together, a returning, a reuniting, a remembering

that can be approached from any angle

that helps you come into the Oneness.

Anything done with intent can get you to one-pointedness.

I like to take postures because I can slip in it from there,

so I share them with you in deep appreciation,

but yoga is much more than what's on the surface.

This is Hero's Pose

AKA Virasana in Sanskrit

(vira = hero, asana = pose/posture)

Hero's pose is one of service and devotion.

What is a hero without commitment and purpose?

Hero's pose is an opportunity for meditation and focus,

a chance to get your mind correct,
to come in line with the breath
~which is where it all starts~
and to defeat distractions of the body.

It is said that the great warrior/devotee Hanuman
took this pose to receive the teachings of his own hero Rama,
and he could move mountains!

Do you have someone/thing that inspires you,
brings out the best in you,
gives you hope and strength and encouragement?
Do you know someone/thing that never fails?
I sure do, and life is EPIC because of it!

To know full support and unwavering integrity
embodied, and
to know where to turn for guidance 
is nothing short of a miracle--
Hero's pose can take you there.

Hanuman kneeled before his teacher
and accepted his gifts,
devoting his love and strength in thanks,
thus unlocking the real super powers of yoga.

Hero's pose puts you in touch with deep majestic stuff;
the valiant spirit of the hero is alive and well if you know where to look.


  • Kneel on the floor and sit back with your tailbone resting on your heels or between your feet.
  • You can tuck a rolled up blanket or mat behind your knees for a modification, or you can sit on a yoga block, or a brick if you're not fancy enough to have a yoga block.
  • Roll the shoulders up towards the ears and down the back, feel it draw the chest open.
  • Spine aligned, extending through the crown as if you're being pulled by a string from the top of the head.
  • Take a super fat deep breath, and pull it all the way down into your belly.
  • Feel the pause between the inbreath and the outbreath.
  • Exhale, emptying the lungs completely.
  • Notice the moment between the outbreath and the inbreath. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Another word for inhalation is inspiration.

💛 Sara!

infinite thanks to the ever lovely @everlove for the photo
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Thank you and thank you for the beautiful flower!

another word for inhalation is inspiration

I loved that!

Happy to share!