Tips For Hardgainers- Why You're Not Gaining Mass ! (No More Wasted Efforts)

in #health7 years ago


Real Talk

It is demotivating seeing the hours put in gym and not producing result. I've repeatedly heard hardgainers saying they can't pack on muscle due to "fast metabolism". Just another excuse for their failures. Google has all the answers to the problem but they never bother searching for it. Get rid of your laziness and negative beliefs if you want greatness. I'll be providing you short and simple tips to resolve your questions. Now pack your suitcase, we're hoping on the gain train!


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If This Don't Help, Nothing Can

  • Get your ass to the gym consistently. You can't be expecting to gain muscle if you're a couch potato. Be discipline to workout at least 3 - 4 times a week. I know it can be too "painful" to move the following day but hey, no pain no gain right? No one said it was an easy journey. Giving up is easy if you never wanted it the first place. Let this be your priority for the start.

Overestimating Your Food


  • You've heard of the saying, eat big to get big. You most likely think you're eating a lot but in truth you're far from it. Those who skip meals, start getting into the habit of having consistent meal throughout the day. Slowly increase your frequency from 3 to 4 meals then 5 if you're a big guy. Introducing protein shake for post workout is a good start. Here're example of food you can include in between big meals - oats, peanut butter and bread, yogurt, mix nuts, fruits, cottage cheese & smoothies.

  • I've had friends who told me they don't drink protein shake when they're not working dafug? It's part of the meal plan not goddamn steroids. Calorie counting is essential however start eating right before you count the numbers. Let me know below if you need it and I'll write an article on it.

Compound Exercises


  • If you surf around the internet, there're tons of articles preaching about compound exercises for hardgainers and they're absolutely right about it. You're not going to look big by curling biceps all day. Yes isolating your arms is important but having bigger frame is to have big chest, wide back and well-rounded shoulder. Compound workout gathers and activate as much muscle fiber to lift the weight. In other words, it means to utilize more than one muscle group, therefore have an overall development. Plan a workout routine that majorly involves exercises like Bench Press, Overhead Press, Squats, Deadlift, Barbell Row and Pull Up. You can start off with these big exercises with low repetitions followed by isolation movement.

Don't Be That Guy (not the guy below)


  • Skipping legs is embarrassing to say the least. Squat is a big mass builder. You can't be going around having big upper body and skinny chicken legs. You look ridiculous as shit. Don’t be afraid to do it, I know it can be intimidating to have all eyes on a skinny boy at the squat rack. Honestly, I believe they're just looking out for you that's it, at least that what I do. Start light and focus on your form then subsequently increase the load when you get stronger. Have a sufficient rest period in between sets. Legs workout boost your testosterone therefore helping you gain as much mass. Imagine your leg as a foundation for every workout you do. You can't be doing barbell military press with weak ass legs and core. Bro talk, just squat,squat and squat every week.

Think Big Grow Big


To get bigger, you have to lift heavier and get stronger as that provides stimulus for your muscle to grow. You need to create stress on your muscle. However, work your way up and don't rush. Having proper forms and techniques will get you far. Not to mention, have strong and positive mind set. Get your sleeping patterns check and get as much sleep as you can for maximum gains. Don' take my words for it, give it a go.

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