Hurrah for the Man!

in #health7 years ago

So yesterday my Man informed me that he’s going to start jogging, and I’m so stoked! It’s a lot easier for me to eat healthy foods when I’m not stocking our house with junk for the Man, but now he cares too! I’d like to say that my working out is what influenced him, but really I had nothing to do with it. What happened was yesterday this person who we both know said to him, “Hey Boy, have you gained some weight?” Who asks that anyway? So he was feeling blue and decided that he wants the super hot bod from days gone by back, hence the resolve to work out! I feel bad that it came about in such a way, but I can honestly say I’ve been there. At least he doesn’t have little old ladies walking up to him, putting their hand on his stomach and saying, “Are you?!”, to which I reply, “NO I’m not pregnant…do I look it?” :)

So anyway, we both got up early this morning to go for a jog, and just for good measure, we brought Sneeze along too. We’d have brought Sass (you know, make it a family affair) but I don’t think we’d be able to keep up with her. Baby steps, you know? So we’re jogging along my usual route and I’m getting tired and we’re not even half-way through the route. I think at first we were jogging more at the Boy’s pace, and seeing as how he has insanely long legs, his pace is considerably faster than mine. I plugged through it though, and in the end it was the Boy who said he had to stop and walk. I was grateful because I wanted water, but I was eager to keep going (I was keeping in mind my goal to jog 2km every day this week), so in the end we only walked for about 0.15km. Sneeze did pretty well, but both the Boy and I had slight headaches, so I think we went too fast. We’ll see how Thursday goes though, that’ll be the next time we go jogging together.

So lately I’ve been resisting going back to my weight-loss place because I just haven’t felt like writing down what I eat EVERY day, and also I find it hard to eat exactly what they tell you to, but you know what? I’ve been sneaking in bits of junk here and there, and I think they add up, so I’m going to suck it up like a big girl and DEAL with it. I think I just need something that is strict so that I can get the weight loss going. I’ve sort of been eating lately like I’ve already lost the weight, but I need to just be firm with myself now and relax more later. Does that make any sense?

So here are the stats for today:

Workout: Jogged 2.4 km, walked 0.6 km, and I also played dodge ball for 15 minutes this evening! (Every little bit counts!!!)

Junk food: A small small small helping of dump cake (I know it’s just an excuse, but we made it for our activity tonight and I had to taste test it! :D)

So that’s all for now, which is a good thing because I need to go to bed in order to make my 8am appointment at the gym with Titi.


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