Does beard affect you oral health?

in #health4 years ago (edited)


For starters, even if your beard isn’t exactly the cleanest, the best way to care for your mouth is with the same methods your clean-shaven brethren use, which involves brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each session, flossing daily, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake and getting regular cleanings from your dentist.
Washing your beard frequently or using certain antibacterial creams aren’t going to do anything for protecting your teeth.


Don’t Believe the Rumors Giving Beards a Bad Rap.

The “beard bacteria trap” story started a few years ago with someone referencing a study that supposedly found those results. Countless news outlets picked up the tale and ran with it, causing the idea to spread.

The only problem: it wasn’t real. There was no study, and the news outlets were merely spreading false information. Fake news, indeed.
So what is the truth!

Bearded men may actually have less facial bacteria than beardless ones.

Beard or no beard, you still need to keep up your oral hygiene.What you have to do to have a good oral hygiene?!

-Brush your teeth twice per day. Do this for at least two minutes, cleaning every surface.
-Floss your teeth at least once per day.
-Visit your dentist at least 2 times a year