This is a Great Opportunity to See What You’re Made of

in #health5 years ago

The actions and words of people in this current mental crisis is really telling if you stand back, stop letting your emotions do the driving and you and observe the world from a distance.

Photo by Muzammil Soorma on Unsplash

Fear is a dominating emotion in many people

I listen to a great podcast on youtube called The Academy of Ideas where the speaker, who I still cannot identify, does a brilliant job of using teachings and quotes from the world’s best philosophers of past and present to convey a broad spectrum of topics relating to life and how to be pursue your potential.

The latest video was titled How to be free in an unfree world and obviously was soliciting to the current situation the world is being embroiled in. The video featured an example of a chart separated into three groups:

Group onerepresents the vast majority of people, the center group, the masses, the herd, whatever term you would use. The ones that are simply plodding through life in one way or another. Successful and unsuccessful people alike. The majority. Mainly not doing their own thinking on many subjects, instead relying on a high trust in institutions to help create a worldview.

Group two represents those that seek to control others. The power structure. The government, politicians, and those that have the idea that they know what’s best for everyone else. Well intentioned people and tyrants alike. Major industrial players and gigantic corporate trusts. The “elites”.

Group three represents the other side, those that highly value and seek to pursue absolute freedom. The rebels, the protestors. People that simply want to pursue their dreams and goals and not be bothered by those that seek to control them against their will and without their consent. This is the minority group. Tending to question government and institutions and preferring to create their own worldview and their own path, for better or worse.

Essentially groups two and three are at a proverbial culture war most of the time, seeking to create influence on the herd in different ways.

Right now we have protests in Texas, Michigan and other states as minority groups of freedom-fighters and other various factions who oppose tyranny and control unite to protest the government lockdown in their states.

Obviously anyone who follows the fake news media can see that these people are quite literally being labeled as potential murderers by the elites as well as a large swath of the masses. Whether or not people think that the protestors are good or bad is really irrelevant. What is important is that at least there are some people that are willing to fight against a relentless current of government propagated fear and stigmatization to scream out to the world “we will not be controlled”. For those that value freedom this is a great sign regardless of political affiliation or stance on the current social and economic crisis. This should be a great sign even for the most fear-controlled hiding in their homes wearing gas masks and spraying everything in sight with lysol. This should be a great sign for anyone that is sick with any sort of disease, and for the healthiest and financially set as well. Why?

Because it means that at least there is still a group that is willing to protest tyrannical government against the tide even in the gravest of circumstances. This is what keeps a country from becoming a communistic social democratic hellhole where the minority of freedom fighters are literally forced into submission not only by the overlords in government but by their fear-gripped countrymen.

Freedom is the basic glue of living a life of absolutely realized potential. Without absolute freedom we quite literally have nothing. Once we give an inch, the very tiny minority of power-hungry and usually sociopathic “elites” will take everything that they can. Its a never ending game of tug of war. In this case, there are 300 million plus people on one side of the rope and a group of less than a thousand on the other and somehow, some way this tiny little dot is pulling the masses over the line slowly but surely. The cunning of the fox indeed.

All of this is rooted with the most primal, reptilian and lowest vibrational frequency possible which is fear. Fear is a driving force, it is a useful servant and as we can see clearly right now, a terrible master. And a master indeed it is in so many people’s lives. It does not have to be this way. Fear drives us to the most basic essentials in life. We are afraid of dying, so we seek food, water, shelter and safety. This is all fear is good for. If we were all completely fearless of death then we could potentially simply smile for a short time, starve, and die, without the slightest care in the world. After all, if there was no fear, then what would be the point of being here at all?

Fear is The Matrix

Perhaps the biggest reason we’re in this plane of existence at all is to learn something and that lesson is how to conquer our fears. Fears are limits, almost exclusively psychological. There is a reason for the abundant use of the phrase Fictional Events Appearing Real. Its all mental. You cannot physically touch fear, it doesn’t even really exist. Its a choice. Its the barrier that makes up the matrix of this world. Fear is there to be conquered. It is there to drive us into higher levels of consciousness. It is not meant to control.

I have written on the meditation on death before where to realize the fiction of fear one simply meditates and imagines what it would be like to be dead. As in, you are dead, right now. Returning to normal life from this meditation results in a powerful insight: This world is a fleeting illusion and all fears are unjustified to an extent. After the meditation on death, most of the problems that we percieve here (not all but the vast majority) are really trivial indeed. This brings power. This brings confidence which ripples through the entire body at a cellular and quantum level; its like an upgrade.

Never before have we seen fear of such magnitude engulf such a large swath of the populace, again, instituted and propagated by a tiny, infinitesimal amount of sociopathic entities. This is like watching The Matrix in real time. The citizentry, the peasantry if you will, is actually rising up and attacking its own friends and neighbors, although since it is behind a curtain of fear it is completely ineffective against the target. Who is more empowered: the person hiding at home behind a computer screen calling someone else a virus carrying murderer, or the person out in the real world, imposing their will and inalienable rights and becoming stronger and stronger, mentally and physically in the process?

What the fear gripped masses do no understand is that the minority of freedom fighters are not affected by the harassment. They are “immune”, no pun intended, to the fear-inspired attacks. Thankfully there has not been any large scale violence against the freedom fighters because this would signal a terrible time for the country as a whole. It would signal the end of freedom and a complete control grid from the tiny minority of sociopaths seemingly in control.

So while those gripped by an incessant fear of life in general, and even of their own potential success, compiled with the deep-rooted envy and jealousy of those that are out defying the control grid, may think that they are being effective and are positing some sort of change, what they don’t realize is that they are simply acting directly into the hands of the sociopathic elite. These tiny groups of ultra-rich and all powerful psychopathic and soulless beings are rubbing their hands together and cheering on the fear, perhaps even relishing in it. It is exactly how they want the public to act. Mass fear indoctrination is a critical factor to control a population. People willingly locking themselves at home, closing their businesses, financially ruining themselves, creating an environment for sickness and stress and at the same time verbally assaulting those that defy the control? That’s a complete dream scenario for those in power. Its the model of perfection. The only thing that makes the control easier is to convince the scared masses to actively patrol and snitch out those that seek freedom, which we seeing now, exactly out of the book 1984.

Begging for control

When people are ensnared in the fear and victim mentality, they tend to beg for control. They want the shackles tightened, the screws dug in deeper. Because when you are acting out of fear you lose rational thought. You are not objectively and calmly, almost meditatively assessing the situation and determining the most beneficial path forward. Instead, you are ridiculing and even seeking to undermind those that don’t live in fear.

Just like in The Matrix when the agents can morph in and out of any person still plugged in, the fear mentality achieves the same objective. Someone that was once, at least theoretically free, when confronted with an invisible boogeyman of any sort, propagated again through the matrix control system known as “mainstream media”, will suddenly make an energetic shift and begin to claw at the heals of those that are attempting to escape the matrix. Just like how crabs in a bucket will grab and drag those that seek to escape the confinement, fear enables well-intentioned people to actively subvert those that are fighting the current of the masses.

It is sort of like the zombie movies that are so popular these days. The zombies bumble about, not paying any attention, not having a conscious, only gripped by the most primal instincts to survive and kill. Once someone that is “alive” or “awake” enters the scene, the zombie horde immediately turns and begins sprinting as a mass group to immediately seize and devour that person.

During the current situation we have people not only attacking people that are simply asserting basic freedoms which include leaving their homes and, god forbid, walking around on the earth, possibly in pairs, they are begging for a solution from sociopaths in the form of medical treatment. They are actively giving up their freedoms, practically throwing them away and begging for more. This is the sort of insanity that happens when fear takes an insidious grip. Imagine for one second what would happen if suddenly nobody was afraid of anything.

A world without fear

We would be trampling the government to pieces within days, seizing back total control and living lives of purpose and vigor without a tiny group of sociopaths dictating what we can and cannot do and where we can or cannot go. Without fear there would be no crime and we would not need police. We would not need armies as we would not have a constantly prodded fear of other countries, and the same could be said of those countries.

We would have no suicide, no depression, no anxiety. We would have no pain.

In a way, it would not even be a utopian society because again without fear we would not have lessons and opportunities for growth. So it would not be ideal from a spiritual standpoint. There needs to be something to conquer, something to overcome and grow through. Fear is an essential emotion for this.

But, I believe that if each person pursues their purpose and does their individual best to confront and conquer their fears, then we would certainly have a much better, much less controlled world. We certainly would not constantly have endless wars and high amounts of crime and depression. We would not have a massive crooked-to-the-bone government that literally steals its citizen’s money and then wastes it extravagantly and demands by force that its citizens pony up the bill.

We certainly would not have a situation where the vast majority of the public is scared, literally petrified to leave their own homes because of an invisible boogeyman that they can’t even prove actually exists but can instead theorize about. We would not have a disgusting medical system that injects us with cocktails of chemicals and literally pumps us full of drugs and then, again, pays for it all with our own money. We would not have people hopelessly dependent on drugs and alcohol to “escape reality” because escape implies fear.

So we should be very careful and cognitively acute and aware of what we are doing and why we are doing it, throughout all stages of life. Are we doing it out of fear and jealousy, or are we doing out of love and empowerment?

False Events Appearing Real.

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Awesome writeup. 👌

Horrible to see it didn't get any votes and I was too late to cast mine!

Ah its ok bro thanks for the comment! I hadn’t been on Steem for about a month...partly due to hearing all the stuff about Sun’s takeover or whatever. I don’t know much about that stuff I’m still pretty in the dark on crypto in so many ways. But decided to come back here because I like the platform so I’ll be writing more!

are you posting on Hive too?

Nope. I thought that was a community? I’d seen it around.

Is it an entirely different site or what?

Also I just reread this...this was from my Medium blog (banned lol) so the formatting is pretty terrible.