8.Tips Rasulullah S.A.W In Maintaining Health

in #healthy6 years ago

2018-03-09 21.44.48.png

  1. Always get up before dawn
    Rasulullah SAW invites his people to wake up before dawn to perform sunnah prayers and dawn prayers in congregation. This gives deep wisdom among them gets the abundance of reward, the freshness of good dawn and strengthens the mind.
  2. Frequent cleanliness
    Rasulullah SAW always clean and neat. Every Thursday or Friday, she washes her fine hair on her cheeks, cuts her nails, brushes and wears perfume. "Bathing on Fridays is very demanded for every adult. Similarly brushing teeth and users fragrant-haruman. "(Muslim)
  3. Eat just as necessary
    The words of the Prophet (s) which means: "We are one people who do not eat before hunger and when we eat not too much (not to glut)." (Muttafaq Alaih) In the human body there are three spaces for three objects: One third for air, one third for water and another third for food. There is even a special education for Muslims that is by fasting on Ramadan to balance health other than the Prophet always fasting circumcision.
  4. Fond of walking
    Rasulullah SAW walk to mosque, market, jihad field and visit friend's house. When walking, sweat must flow, open pores and blood circulation run smoothly. It is important for preventing heart disease. Compared to us now more comfortable ride the vehicle. If you want to put a vehicle, must park directly in front of the place we want to go. The point is not if the goal that we go is 30 kilometers away must be on foot, only if the place "parked" the car a bit far from where the destination, take this opportunity to "exercise".
  5. Not grumpy
    The advice of the Messenger of Allah 'do not be angry' is repeated three times. This shows the essence of Muslim health and strength is not the body, but rather the cleanliness of the soul. Unhealthy anger is when the anger is out of place, because of a small mistake done by others but the reaction is very large. There is the right therapy to withstand feelings of anger is by changing position when angry, when standing then we have to sit and while sitting, then have to lie down. Because of that anger from demons and demons it comes from fire, then immediately take ablution and pray two rak'ahs to get the peace and eliminate anxiety in the heart.
  6. Optimistic and not despair
    Optimism gives a profound emotional effect to the spaciousness of the soul in addition to a lot of patience, istiqamah, hard work and trust to Allah SWT. Always being otpimis is one of the things most people have. With an optimistic attitude would make a man's spirit remains in living this life.
  7. Never envy
    To maintain the stability of the heart and the health of the soul, we should avoid the nature of jealousy. "O Allah, cleanse my heart from the properties of mazmumah and hiasilah myself with mahmudah properties." Because the nature of envy or envy in the psychological view is a sign (sign) that the person's mental is not healthy, because happiness lies in the suffering of others. As well as the happiness of others and the progress of others is a threat to its existence and honor. "Do not ever do you envy, actually spite eat all good, as fire consumes firewood" (HR Abu Dawud).
  8. Forgiving
    Forgiveness is a very demanding trait to gain the tranquility of the heart and soul. Forgiving others frees us from the shackles of angry fire. If we are angry, then the anger is attached to the heart. Instead, be a forgiving person because that is definitely a healthy body.

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