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When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the reason we are there is that we may be “Jesus Christ” to those around us; we are to be as little christs” For, as Jesus was the word made flesh living among us, so you and I are to be the word made flesh as we live in our daily circumstances.

Are you a Nurse, you are the word made flesh dwelling in that hospital
Are you a Judge, you are the word made flesh dwelling in that court
Are you a teacher, you are the word made flesh living and working in that school

Whatever you do, wherever you are, you are the word made flesh dwelling there...

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And the only “Jesus Christ” many people will see is the one that they will see in us. We need to understand that God has put us here to show Christ; to be like Christ; to bear his mark; to do His will

In Mark 1:41; moved with compassion, He touched the leper...we need to be willing to touch any person to show the love of Jesus Christ

The Bible says in 1 John 3:17 that if any one sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God live in him? The answer is that it doesn’t

It is a caricature of Christianity if we talk about anything else while we ignore simple justice. Remember conversion to the Christian faith involves not just a major shift in one’s beliefs but also a dramatic change in one’s lifestyle.

Does the Christian you be reflect the Christian you are in that office?
Does the Christian you be sense the lifestyle of Christ where you are?

Why are you there? A question that should awaken and reawaken your consciousness of God’s expectation on you to rise up to your responsibility of shining as lights in this dark world of sin (Isaiah 60:1-3)

Do you see your life a reflection of the light to the world?

Ask yourself a question;

What example is there for you to follow?
What error is there for you to avoid?
What prayer is there for you to echo?
What command is there for you to obey?
Why are you there?

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