The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 2, DTube Video #7

in #hebrew7 years ago (edited)

Today ends Genesis 2

Welcome back to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.

The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.

We are reading Genesis 2:21-25

This will wrap up chapter two of Genesis with the assembly of "Eesha", Woman. I say assembly because she was already there within the man. God had blown "Hayim" (life, complete, plural) into man's nostrils and had not needed to repeat that step.

She was made from what was already within man. "For this reason, he shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and they shall be one flesh."

Not only do we have the classic verse used in almost every marriage, but we see that the man had once had God's full life in him and when he pulled the woman out, they were both wonderful, but incomplete without each other. That is why Yah Himself must be a part of every marriage. If not, there is only fire. The actual words for man and woman change! (see below). It can be burning passion, burning lust, burning jealousy, burning anger but no real love.

God literally builds reality with Hebrew letters.


Here we see the words for man and woman, which have God's Name built right into them. Yud built into the man and hey built into the woman. If you remove God's name from the couple, you have neither man nor woman, but only fire vs. fire. Selfish desires, fights, and divorce.

Sex is commanded by God. Yes, we must!!

There is zero question, from pubescent teens, to retired millionaires. The opposite sex dominates the turn of your head, smiles, red cheeks, and the rush possibilities that fill the soul even at first glance.

Sex motivates career choices, what car, what sport, or what dress, shoes, makeup, and diet we choose. God created all of those feelings for the eventual union of both sides of His Creative Spirit as well as the complete union of the two physical better-halves, created in his image. Nothing is more beautiful that sex as it was designed. When news of a new live comes, there is never disappointment. A lifelong soul-mate is His intention.

If God is not in the mix when interest turns to physical contact, trouble awaits. A child becomes a problem to be dealt with. Break ups are souls being torn apart by people who never invited God into the place of his best gift to us.

The above was written with this scripture in mind - anything further is conjecture which I try to avoid.

Here is today's reading


Here are the links

Please click over to DTube and read the above passage with me in Hebrew.

▶️ DTube

Note: my pronunciation of The Name as Yehovah is explained more fully in Genesis 2, DTube Video #2 and the coinciding audio is linked here.

If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go, the sofit formations and numerical values. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here

Get your Hebrew Bible now!

Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download - or browser usable.

Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.

Shabbat Shalom


Another nice weekend with a great Hebrew lesson. Genesis 2:21-25 described with a video and an article with interesting support materials! Great work and thank you!

Shabbat Shalom~

Siempre escribiendo las lecturas mas importantes de la vida muchas bendiciones @hebrew

Dando siempre gracias a Dios porque cada viernes, traigas a nosotros este maravilloso lenguaje, complejo pero no imposible de aprender @hebrew

I do completely agree. God (yah) must be part of every marriage between man and woman. Unfortunately, more and more people ignore it, which leads to divorce and sometimes even worse.

Break ups are souls being torn apart by people who never invited God into the place of his best gift to us.

Best Hebrew lesson!

I could have written three times as much about the meaning of this chapter. I stifle myself in order to present only what is clearly stated or deduced by the passage. Thank you for your weekly loyalty @milano1113

Me encanto la parte que dice que cuando llega una nueva vida nunca hay decepción..
Tengo 4 meses de embarazo y que felicidad siento de poder dar vida y llevar en mi vientre a la persona mas importante de mi vida, que amo inmensamente. No existen palabras para describir todo lo que siento. Muy agradecida con Dios por darme la mejor bendición. @hebrew

I say assembly because she was already there within the man. God had blown "Hayim" (life, complete, plural) into man's nostrils and had not needed to repeat that step.

Wow! This is really deep and takes understanding to a whole new level. Then the presence of the Creator then can not be overemphasized in reversing the process back to one for both man and woman.

Thank you so much for this insight.

This is but one of the examples that bring the depth of the Hebrew text. Every word, every thing, every action has a gender and a meaning as well as a number and it all rolls together like our fingers naturally fold together comfortably on our laps.

this is Great lesson and important language.the valuable post. it is great dtube video.
Thanks @hebrew
Have a great day.

Wuau! your post is really interesting and I really liked your Hebrew lessons in dtube. Thanks for sharing your well-informed post.

Good night or day, depending on the time you are, I really liked to read and comment on each of the online classes you have left on genesis creation, very informative your class and very important indeed.

We continue

we have come to the part of the creation of women
Or as you say:
the assembly of "Eesha", you have every reason to call it that, and it was created within man becoming a key piece that would make man feel as incomplete, every creation has its key piece and that is man

Wao thank you very much let's see what follows in next verse, I'll look forward to a big greeting in advance, I'm very happy that you feed us this way, see you in the next lesson

Shabbat shalom

Shabbat Shalom. Great lesson. Learning so much every Shabbat thanks to your Hebrew Lessons here on Steemit.

May all the conflagrations, and double fires be extinguished by correctly bringing in the Yod and the Kei^^