Need Help on Steem Transaction Error

in #help4 years ago (edited)

Screen shot of txid without sender or receiver.

About a month ago, I made a transferred of 20,000 steem to binance, @deepcrypto8. I did the transferred as per usual and included my deposit memo along.

While the transaction appeared to has an error, the 20,000 steem was credited to @deepcrypto8 saving wallet instead.

I seek help from binance but they couldn’t verify the sender and receiver on

Any kind soul can tell me how can I resolve this issue? Any one face the same problem before?
@steemit @steemitblog @steemchiller @justyy @dev.supporters @future.witness @futureshock @roadofrich


I don't know why SteemScan does not show the sender in this case (looks like a bug, I informed the developer), but it can be seen here on SteemWorld:

Another way of proving that you are the sender would be to read the block directly from the blockchain (via terminal):
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_block", "params":[53884084], "id":1}'

Thanks for your reply.
I did refer to on the transaction. Nothing wrong on other blockchain explorer.


Unfortunately Binance insisted on only

Yes, I guess for security reasons their supporters are not allowed to use explorers other than the main agreed one.

Thank you for taking your time to reply.
Appreciate it🙏

Any idea what can I do or who can I approach to correct this txid error?

Can steemscan developers perform correction to the txid and input the respective sender / receiver on the txid?

One Steem transaction can include multiple operations, so the transaction id does not contain any information about one single operation. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the transaction. It's just a small display error in the explorer, which will be fixed soon I guess.

As soon as the bug got fixed, you can contact the support again and they will see that you are indeed the sender of that transfer. The only question that remains is, how they will handle the withdrawal from the savings into their balance.

Guess I only can wait and hope is able to resolve the bug and submit another service request to binance.

Hi @larryphang,

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks to steemchiller who reported the issue, it has been fixed now and you should be able to submit another request to binance to explain them the situation.

Best regards,

Thank you so much for looking into this matter. I can see the txid has sender and receiver name. Hopefully binance is able to assist me to recover the steem from their saving account.

Thank you so much for your help.


I had performed the transfer as per usual with memo included. The transfer was credited to binance saving wallet instead.

I had checked, transferring to saving using steemit wallet can’t input any memo.

So I am confused how my transaction happened to be ‘transfer to saving’ with memo.
And coincidentally the txid doesn’t show sender and receiver ID.
Therefore I suspect it’s an error on the blockchain. I am not sure who I can turn to blockchain issue

So you used for the transfer? Maybe there is a bug in the wallet app then. In general the blockchain allows to make a transfer_to_savings with memo.

Damn, I have to agree this sounds like a bug.

Thanks so much @steemchiller, very informative!

That is a lot of Steem. I hope you can recover them. Sorry that I couldn't be of any help.

You raise a nice point, I believe you will get the resolution, and it will also help others to understand if anyone else face the same problem. I wish you get rid of your problem @larryphang

I have been trying to figure out how to transfer Steem out to Binance or even other wallets like CoinHako without much success. I also have a hardware wallet by Safepal (S1), but also unable to figure out how to transfter from Steemitwallet to the S1 wallet

This is part of what makes cryptocurrency so difficult. We have to overcome this before there can be mass adoption