Former C.I.A. Agent Discusses the Clinton Body Count

in #hillary8 years ago

(Please Note: This conversation that I had with former CIA agent James M. Waste regarding the Clinton body count had taken place over 17 years ago. The body count has only risen since then.)
For those of us who are connected to the alternative media, we all know that there has been a censoring of Clinton scandals by Google, Face Book and Twitter. Primarily anything that mentions Hillary’s health along with her and Bills body count that has grown into the millions (Take into account the lives lost in Iraq and Libya) for over the last 30 years. Much of this information has been censored from search engines or completely erased from the internet all together, especially the body count.
However, there are those of us who will never let the atrocities of this sociopathic crime duo be forgotten.
Before I go any further, I am sure that there are those of you who are questioning how it is that I had the opportunity to have a conversation with a C.I.A. agent in the first place. Well that’s easy, James Waste is my father-in-law.
So it was 17 years ago that James and I were sitting on the back porch of his mountain estate in the Northern California Sierras discussing the politics of then president Bill Clinton. James is a diehard republican and never liked Clinton so he didn’t have much of anything positive say about “Slick Willy” as James referred to him. It was in this conversation that I brought up the death of Vince Foster and asked James his opinion on the subject.
James turned to me and in a stone cold tone of voice, he said: “Edward, there have been over 125 deaths of people who were directly or indirectly connected to the Clintons in one form or another. The majority of those deaths were under suspicious circumstances. They’ve been having people bumped off long before slick Willy was elected president. In the three decades that I’ve worked for the C.I.A. Neither myself, nor anyone else that I’ve known in my life, has known that many people, directly or indirectly, who have died under suspicious circumstances. There have been a lot of suicides and accidents with these people. So many in fact, how can we not raise an eye brow in suspicion towards the Clintons?”
As far as the rest of the conversation went, I do believe that we talked about how Hillary spent her time shredding documents 15 minutes after Vince Foster’s apparent suicide while she had the body dumped off in a park. My question to this day as it was to James then, is, what was she hiding?
Other than that, the rest of our conversation is a blur. I do recall talking to him about his travels in Georgia, Chechnya, and his friendship that he had with Eduard Shevardnadze. Although a republican, James is a pretty good guy. I did have the opportunity to tell him one Christmas that he had been a better father to me than the two I had growing up. That’s the truth!
So here we are 17 years later and all I can say is: “What the hell!” After all of the lies and corruption surrounding the Clintons, we have a mass of people chanting for the victory of one of the most corrupt politicians in U.S. history! Hillary and her stooge Slick Willy make the crimes of Richard Nixon look like the work of a boy scout!
In regards to the Clinton death count those numbers have only risen since she became the democratic nominee for the president. Let us take a brief look at this shall we?
June 22, 2016: John Ash, Former U.N. President scheduled to testify in court about a money laundering scheme that had connections to the Clinton foundation. Mr. Ash was found dead from having his throat crushed by a bar bell. The first report was that he had a heart attack. There’s a big difference between a heart attack and a crushed throat that the crushed throat and a heart attack so much as the coroner and police would have seen immediately that it was a crushed throat!
July 10, 2016: Seth Rich, D.N.C Staffer. Died from a gunshot wound to the back and his body was covered in bruises. Original police report said that he was robbed yet his wallet, credit cards and his watch were still on the body.
July 25th, 2016: Joe Montano, Chairman for the D.N.C. died of a heart attack at the age of 47.
August 1st, 2016: Victor Thorn, died of an apparent suicide near his home. Mr. Thorn was a writer for the American Free Press. Thorn was a long time major critic of the Clintons.
August 2nd, 2016: Shaun Lucas, found dead on his bathroom floor. Cause of death is still unknown. Mr. Lucas had filed a class action law suit against the D.N.C for fraud and rigging the democratic election.
See the pattern here? The people who have had a connection to the Clintons, that have been found dead, all died alone. Either from heart attacks, gunshot wounds or freak accidents. Then there are those of you who say, when somebody criticizes Hillary Clinton “What’s the alternative, TRUMP?”
My question for you is; Does Trump have a trial of blood behind him? I’m not a Trump supporter for I am a political atheist. I’ve grown tired of the bullshit that our government and their “presstitutes” have done to our country, our freedoms, manipulating our minds, poisoning our water and food. Turning our nation into a war mongering oligarch ran by sociopaths and psychopaths.
But I regress; the point of this blog is to remind all who read it that the next commander in chief of our armed forces is a Murder and a liar. Who cares not one bit for the wellbeing of you, me and our families and friends. I didn’t even mention Chis Stevens and how during the Benghazi incident, then Secretary of the State department Hillary Clinton went to bed that night and ignored the situation. Sleeping soundly, while Senator Stevens and his colleagues were murdered in cold blood. Then she had the gall to blame the riot on a YouTube video. I briefly mentioned the millions of men, woman and children that died in Iraq, and Libya from starvation, illness and war all due to the Clintons influence on the sanctioning Iraq from getting much needed food, water and medical supplies.
My fellow citizens, this country is falling quickly into a quagmire of madness. The Clintons will see to it, for they believe they are above the law and we are there servants.
May I leave you with this quote: “There is a plot to enslave every man woman and child in this country within the next fifty years. Before I leave this high and noble office I will expose this plot”

  • John F. Kennedy (7 days before his assignation)
    If you would like to know more about James Waste and his three decades of working with the C.I.A, Google his book “Don’t Shoot The Ice Cream Man” by James M. Waste, Ringwalt Press.
    For any sources on the subjects above, try the American Free Press, The Drudge Report or do your own research on youtube and alternative media outlets to find more facts about the corruption of the standing government and their puppets, the Clintons.

Please bring more news like this to, although you won't earn anything by doing so. Real news are not wanted by "the management".
Its about time to get some real content on here, beside political correct crap and "ignorance is bliss" posts.
Post whatever you find interesting from Drudge, Breitbart, GLP, you know what I mean.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still figuring this steem it thing out.

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