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RE: One Family To Rule Them All?

in #history7 years ago

I have been "following" the Rothschild, bilderburgs, Rockefellers etc for well over a decade. They are the elite ruling force and the puppets are actually our so called leaders such as the POTUS for example. They've had influence for so so long. I don't think there's any peaceful solution, sorry. Nor do i think outside of a massive awakening (note awakening of the sheeple) and gathering of collective forces of people willing to go against the grain will they be taken down. I just think it's like impossible. And yes they kill political figureheads going against them. Plus there are so many off shoots and the elite families have their vice like grip over e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!! They do rule our world. The world is and has been for so long practically a one world order already bevause of the pyramid of these people. Not to mention the "fallen angels" who bred with humans. Wonder what they're up to. Okay forgive, totally different topic. Or is it? I think humans are almost all SHEEP they have their fancy new cell phones, their"amazing" career that they will spend most of their careeer paying off their student debt, oh so painfully slow. Its all a game. Materialism, more, more more. That's why credit cards and pay day loans are so effing rampant. Ill never forget a patient of mine. She and her husband were probably in their mis 40s. She had fancy designer clothing, designer watches, purses, all the things that are so important to have. The sheep fall for these ploys. is better, must have now in am almost zombie like state of mind. her husband who i gathered worked a middle class job was always on the phone with credit card companies when i would go into her hosputal room. He had stacks and stacks of credit cards. I would unobtrusively observe him giving the wrong card number to the wrong creditor. So so so sad. But hey that's the dream right? ? That makes you happy Right?? You are like so doing better than your modest neighbors who have a giant nest egg saved up and don't drive a Mercedes on a middle class job. Until we can get the masses to disengage and UNPLUG themselves we will never be a utopian society. And we will continue to be a nation of People who " have it all" but are secretly pill popping depressed fucks.


One of the best comments I've seen. Waking up is such a long and hard process though.. I guess the earlier you begin to question things the better

I agree. The longer you stay in that comfort zone of oblivion the less likely you wake up

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