in #history7 years ago (edited)

History of the Palace of Aceh Darul World (ATJEH). Mwr.
Sejarah Istana Aceh Darul Dunia (ATJEH). MC
January 22, 2018 at 00:00 pm.
Photo of the illusion of the ancient Atjeh empire.
Photo ilusi kerajaan Atjeh masa dahulu kala.

💎In its heyday, Aceh was one of the most powerful rulers in the world. History has noted that Aceh's glory was carved during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda. At that time, Aceh expanded to Southeast Asia, China, Turkey, India and Malaysia. Aceh is also well known for having royal advisors who are prominent scholars such as Sheikh Abdurrauf, Nurdin Ar-Raniry, Hamzah Fansuri and others.
💎Pada masa jayanya, Aceh adalah salah satu penguasa terkuat di dunia. Sejarah telah mencatat bahwa kemuliaan Aceh diukir pada masa Sultan Iskandar Muda. Saat itu, Aceh meluas ke Asia Tenggara, China, Turki, India dan Malaysia. Aceh juga terkenal karena memiliki penasihat kerajaan yang merupakan ilmuwan terkemuka seperti Sheikh Abdurrauf, Nurdin Ar-Raniry, Hamzah Fansuri dan lainnya.

💫However, if we look at it now, there is no striking physical legacy of Aceh's past splendor other than the Baiturrahman Mosque which was once the center of Aceh's warfare. Even history has noted that the Dutch had trouble finding the location of the royal palace in Aceh after weeks of expediting in Aceh.
💫Namun, jika kita melihatnya sekarang, tidak ada warisan fisik yang mencolok dari kemegahan masa lalu Aceh selain Masjid Baiturrahman yang dulunya merupakan pusat peperangan Aceh. Bahkan sejarah pun mencatat bahwa Belanda mengalami kesulitan untuk menemukan lokasi istana kerajaan di Aceh setelah berminggu-minggu di Aceh.

💫But did anyone know where the palace of aceh is now? Where is the building of its resistance? Apparently, before the pendopo was built, according to the historical literature, the palace of Aceh was destroyed by Dutch troops and left no traces. The palace of Aceh in the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda is seputaran Hall of the Governor who became the special place of the number one residence in Aceh now.!!
💫Tapi apakah ada yang tahu dimana istana aceh sekarang? Dimana bangunan resistannya? Ternyata, sebelum pendopo dibangun, menurut literatur sejarah, istana Aceh dihancurkan oleh pasukan Belanda dan tidak meninggalkan jejak. Istana Aceh pada masa Sultan Iskandar Muda adalah seputaran Balai Gubernur yang menjadi tempat istimewa tempat tinggal nomor satu di Aceh sekarang. !!

Lambang aceh merdeka singa dan buraq image
The symbol of aceh is independent of lions and buraq.

Salam sejahtera untuk semua pecinta steemit imagePeace to all lovers of steemit!
@mawardy al-faruQi

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