Island No Man.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

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Dear steemians.

Indonesia is an archipelago country That is the description phrase that is often used to introduce Indonesia to the world. Will that characteristic gradually disappear? Got the island abundantly, does not make Indonesia automatically can empower it to the fullest. Imagine, there are 18 thousand islands that some of them have no master, not even named.Decak admiration from other countries too long changed to drool to annex the islands in Indonesia. Moreover, realized some of the island was idle and dicuekin. The United Nations came to an end in December 2005. Indonesia diultimatum to immediately name all 18 thousand island, the longest until the year 2007. The purpose of the United Nations is good enough, that is to avoid claims of territorial territory from other countries. Moreover, a number of islands in Indonesia are uninhabited. But what is Indonesia's response?

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The UN should not be forced. It's up to us. Given the name or not, obviously the island already has us, said Deputy Spokesman Yuri Thamrin on December 16, 2005 then. UN Charter article 7 verse 7 was revealed Yuri. Contents, Indonesia has full sovereignty over the islands based on the count of the outermost point of the outermost island, which is 12 miles to the territorial sea, and another 12 miles for additional zones. So the ownership of Indonesian territory is clear from the side of coordinates or other considerations. There is no doubt at all, Yuri said. While Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Freddy Numberi stated 7,870 of the 18 thousand islands have been named. Forgot Luka Lama The confident answer seemed to forget the story 3 years ago, when Sipadan Island and Ligitan separated from Bumi Pertiwi into the hands of Malaysia. So, let the unnamed island, an island that already has its name can be separated from the country.

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Malaysia is considered to have first built and occupied the island Sipadan and Ligitan. The International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands, also won Malaysia on December 17, 2002. It was a landslide. Indonesia was embarrassed and wounded. Especially after that a number of islands owned by Indonesia also claimed a number of neighboring countries. Among others Batek Island claimed Timor Leste, and Sand Island claimed Australia. Some of Indonesia's outer islands are also prone to disappear and annexed other countries. (Pulau), Pulau Nipah (Singapore), and Sekatung Island in the South China Sea (Vietnam). Then Miangas Island, Marore and Marampit (Philippines), Fani Island, Fanildo, and Bras in the Pacific Ocean over Papua (Palau Republic), and Dana Island (Australia).

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Kick Perpres Facing such vulnerability, Indonesia also act with the old-fashioned stance, bureaucracy. The Presidential Regulation 2005 was issued regarding the management of the outermost small islands. The Presidential Regulation regulates that several nodes of access to maritime borders are opened, archipelagic growth centers are enabled, transportation and telecommunication spaces are developed. 12 The outer islands are prioritized, namely Rondo Island, Sekatung Island, Nipah Island, Berhala Island, Marore Island, Miangas Island, Marampit Island, Dana Island, Fani Island, Fanildo Island, Rice Island and Batek Island. Deplu noted there are 92 outermost islands. The whole island was declared safe from the annexation of other countries. Because the existence of the island has been regulated in the 1960 Act, PP 38/2002, tracts and so forth.

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