in #history7 years ago (edited)

Click photo to watch on Dtube:

FAIR USE 2003 Documentary showing that "gun control" has historically been used to disarm citizens and make them helpless before governments commit genocide. Dramatically covers major genocides in the Soviet Union, Germany, Uganda, Rwanda, China, Turkey, and other countries. The documentary shows how "gun control" in the U.S. has been used to victimize blacks, Indians, children, women, and others. Combines gut-level emotional appeal and fast-paced, powerful graphics with a cool statement of historic facts and quotes from the relevant laws. Written by Claire Wolfe
Mirrored from TRUTH TALK NEWS CHANNEL 2: Original Here:


It will never happen.. You have people knowing nothing about guns trying to take them from those that grew up with them..

It is a gun grab has nothing to do with those killed.

A criminal or someone that is mentally unstable could care less what laws are passed ..

What they do not tell you is in those countries that have banned guns there are in fact fewer deaths by guns. They stop there and do not tell you the rest and that is muggings, stabbings, rapes, ect go sky high because no one can defend themselves. The deaths resulting are not registered as gun crimes though and you hear ( we have reduced our deaths by guns by 90% .. Ya OK What a Joke

They just think people are stupid and will go along with anything ..

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. (Even when they use the term 'assault rifle' with regards to civilians they discredit themselves and we know they do NOT know what they are talking about.) Indeed- It's about control.... not guns.

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HaHa- If we were a drug cartel or Isis terrorist group they'd be sending us weapons. (Fast and Furious/Syria/Afghanistan)

Thanks very much for posting this video, @sunsquall, it is so important for people to understand how gun confiscation always precedes totalitarianism. Resteemed!

Thank you! It's amazing that Trump has literally been called Hitler by the same people who want him to infringe on the 2nd amendment. They want only those who have the state to back them up to carry. I don't need to tell you about how big of a slave mentality that is... sheesh! So nice to see you. Sending love! (Awaiting your next video.)

Oh yeah. If anyone actually cared about the lives of others, gun control would not be high up on the list to prioritize. People so eager to give up rights that we aren't going to get back, doesn't make sense to me. Welp, buckle in buckaroos.

This is just your way of getting away with putting a video together with death porn. If you want to compare America with African genocide, look no farther than then African-like dictator you fools elected.

What you call death porn is reality, you do not bury your head in the sand you learn from it. As I can see you do not like the US much and wish you all the best of luck in your next country of choice .

Please provide your supporting evidence as to how President Trump is like an African dictator. It's a far-fetched statement, so you need to back it up with some facts or you just come off sounding hysterical.

Officially. You're fucking deluded and nuts. In the U.S. the idea that the people have the right to bear arms is the control the government has over their little minds. Do you seriously think for one second that if the U.S. government wanted to wipe out its own people that all the assault rifles in the world would stop them? Ha!

The defense forces of the United States are reported to have 2,700,000 firearms

The estimated total number of guns (both licit and illicit) held by civilians in the United States is 270,000,000 to 310,000,000.

Besides if they started that mess when it was over who would make all the subs, jets, firearms, ect. You do not think its the generals or members of congress that make them do you ?

Using ridicule of view points other than your own rather than logic and rational discourse is often successful in persuading those who value acceptance by the group more than moral conviction and justice. However, I think you are barking up the wrong tree using it in Steemit. You may have better luck on YouTube and Facebook. Or, you could intelligently argue your point and if it is true maybe you'll convince some people even here.

Yeah- Ad Hominem attacks are not the best way to start a discourse.

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