"Sanctuary City" , how mathematically immigration will destroy your country.

in #history7 years ago

Rome Is Falling.jpg

"Sanctuary City" , how mathematically immigration will destroy Canada.

People learn about history but doesn't learn nothing from it. Rome did fall... and your country will as well, it's not
And it’s only matter of numbers (maths.)

How illegal immigration will destroy Canada and any others country, whom embrace them.
It start by helping let’s say 1 000 peoples.

Those 1 000 people, let’s say, are supported by “real” Canadian citizens, with a cost of 1$ a day.
(to pay they rent, medical services, salary (Bien etre social) , and many others stuff).
...1$ a month? Not much… right?

Those 1 000 people will have sex with others, and usually they make 5 kids per each.
(1 000 x 5) + 1 000 = 6 000 = 6$/months per citizen.
...Not big deal 6$/months.

In 30 years, this will cost.
5 000 kids, having 5 kids each, (5 000 x 5) + 6 000 = 31 000 peoples to support.
Now… it’s 31$/month to supports those peoples, come illegally.
...31$ not a big deal… it’s only 31 x 12 = 372$ every year.

The sad true, I’m very conservative, and we have much more than 1 000$ people coming here, and it will cost much more than 1$/month by “real” Canadian citizen. And it will be followed by increasing of crime, family tragedy and poor education level.
So… ya , it’s good to help people, but for what cost? Why help people whom leaving they own country (traitors , cause they will keep they culture, but not fight for in they own country and some how be proud of they culture….)

So…look, message to PM (Trudeau, and all others politic leaders)

1- You rewarding people not follow the laws.
2- You protect people who doesn’t belong to your Country
3- You punish those who build your country
4- You prefer to do what it’s “sexy” instead to do what it’s right for the future of your citizen and country
5- You don’t care, since this will take about 50 years ,before we all see the end results…and you will be gone from politics life by this time, and no one will remember. So what’s the big deal right?
And the real tragedy… by 50 years, the “real citizen” will be overcome by “illegal” , and when it will come to “vote” , they will vote for they guys… and this it’s when your country will be lost.
Canada 150 years… probably it’s your life time, in 50 years, it won’t be Canada anymore.
So laugh about Russia… but we are 5 000 years old if not more, and we still united.



It is always... funny? if you see the descendents of immigrants say the country will die because fo the descendants of immigrants.

btw: The Roman EMpire fell because of corruption and greed, where the rich "orignial" Romans didn't want to help "new" Romans any longer and such the difference between poor and rich growed.
And of course the usual wars, famines and other Empires.

ya it didn’t help...like in all country, there's corruption greed and more. But , all “new romans” had to go in army to serve Rome. However, when it come to be critical, real Rome stay…and the fake left. So they army get weak and they was overtaken.

The Roman army of imperial times always consistet of more auxiliary then "real" Roman legionairies. So the weak left that means the "real" Romans ;)

"weak" ...by saying those who doesn't care about Rome it self. "rebel’s one". There was many issue...but mass immigration was one of the problem I found.

Not mass migration (they are coming from somewhere after all, so it's not only immigration) was the cause for problems, but problems were the cause for mass migration.
People that halfway happy don't go away to far, dangerous lands they don't know in masses.

well, I really have 0 problem for "immigration", but people have to "work for", yes it take time, but it's for the best of "your country". Even, if one day, they say ... hey have a plan, let's go in North ...and build something here. Ok we need 1 millions of migrant. ! millions it's a lot... but they have to pick the one millions from those who "ask" to come. meaby lower the amount of money needed to come here, or be less stickt on others stuff... but eveyone need to go trou a check list. And , don't pick only arab, black people...so they show how "sweet" we are with this culture, and we are not anti-muslm. or ot "raciste". I'm only talking about "Illigale" , I'm not anti-migration at all... when it is done by the rules

It is just strange how the rules change.

200 years ago, you needed permission of your land to leave it.
100 years ago you didn't meed a passport - you could literaly drive with the Orient Express from one end to the other without having to do month of paperwork before.

The highest rule we have btw. is Human Rights, and those include the right for asylum in article 14.

Oh, and normally immigrating is good for the economy. Immigrants want to "better their life" after all.
Also "old" people also cost money, why don't you count that?

“legal” immigration yes, illegal not.
Those who come “Legally”, have to be checked, come with , Money, Education, and “Needs”. Not citing on others people wallet…in ghetto and living and waiting on Others People Money.
illegal people, coming by using the system, poor, sick, not educated and criminal mostly. ( 9/10 probably). Don’t believe me… well look at Europe… I see no growth there.

in ghetto and living and waiting on Others People Money.

I don't know the details in Canada - a country build by illegal immigrants - but where I know it it is almost always the case that immigrants are not allowed to work and not allowed to choose where they life.
So why you blame them for the conditions you set them in?

"illegal" and "legal" is just a fictionary excuse for "wanted" and "not wanted", however of you take human rights seriously you cannot make that distinction.

Don’t believe me… well look at Europe… I see no growth there.

And teh connection to immigration is that we have less immigrants then before, where there was growth, or what do you mean?

The average stagnation is still rooted in the US based banking speculation bubble and ongoing because of only national thinking Schäuble who does not want to realize basic economic facts. Like if you have a currency with other countries, reality does not react to make believe play that those countries do not exist except as a place to dump wares.

First , thank’s to be open for intellectual discussion.
What come to Canada, yes , long time ago, to build a country from scratch they had to bring immigrants. But once it was builded , I found it’s a poor excuse to use ( Canada was build by immigrants).
Why? First reasons…they work for with, and adopt the “Canadian mentality”.
Second… once the country was builded, create an economy, social help , etc , it start to be natural to create laws on immigration to have a control in population. To high populations it’s not good, to low also. You need “rules” to control “unemployment rate”.
And people who wanted to come here ( like my family), they went for a check list. To see if “our ( my father and mother) work skills are needed here, or not, because they already have to much of this kind of “work skills”. Also, they look of how much money we have, if had any problem with justice. If yes , it’s an automatic “NO”.
Then, they said, Ya cool come here. As kids, we went to school, accepted Canadian mentality ( Canadian mentality was builded by illegal and legal immigrants who build this country from scratch).
Ok… so from your perspective… why should we control immigration? Them… great, let’s bring all 1 billion poorest people from the whole world here…. Invite them to your place, so they live with your….
When it come to “legal” – “illegal” , yes it’s only matter of “rules” created by a country. But..No rules , it’s directly anarchy. Don’t believe me… look at Libya, and all others country where United States remove social system.
Banking etc… roots of all evil… let’s see, first I’m a trader.
1- Don’t like the game of stocks, forex… don’t play at. Work, save money and live a happy life like many of my friends those. But if you get in the game…play , don’t cry.
2- Well.. Europe look great? Why you don’t go and walk in Sweden… if you are a male, should be okey, just get ass kick. If you are a female, watch your back , high rates of “raping”. And …if you are a “blonde female” , don’t even think to go outside and get a gun to protect your life. Actually, go in prison it will be safer.

...don't try to mixt one problem with all others . Let's fix one thing, them, let's go to economy and bad rich people... PS: America was builded on lending money....if we look back, they did very good stuff with it

old people? they work for the country probably all they life, they have all right to ask for "social help"

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