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RE: A=B, A=D, then B=D: so Blocktrades = Darthknight

Thank you for the reply.

I am trying to follow your logic. Suppose the suggested possibility ("If @darthknight purchased STEEM from the BlockTrades exchange and used his/her Binance memo during the purchase to have the STEEM sent to Binance") happens. Then, the transaction would show

From: alpha(or some blocktrades account), To deepcrypto8, with the memo of darthknight's wallet address, 101130147.

So even in this case, it is true that 101130147 is the darthknight's Binance wallet.

And we can also confirm this with darthknight himself sending to deepcrypto8 with the same memo.

So it is clear that 101130147 is the darthknight's wallet. Let me know if you disagree.

If you search transactions with that memo, you may find that starting from 2018-05-28, lots of blocktrades' (known) accounts, omega/blocktrades/alpha/cleta/ashleigh/anastacia, have had more than 20 transactions with more than 20K STEEM sent to Binance. If you add them up, before the darthknight's transaction on 3/20 it is about 1.5M STEEM.

So for your theoretical case to work, it has to be that darthknight has bought the about 1.5M STEEM using blocktrades throughout about two years... and suddenly decided to write an introduction post with lies two months ago. Also, we all know that blocktrades charges high fees - an investor who trades more than 1M STEEM would rather send whatever coins directly to Binance to save on fees.

If you really believe that it were the case... well I don't know know what to say.

In any case, I appreciate your input again. I respect your decision regarding 22.2, and I am honored to have a productive conversation with you like this.
