
Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

You can see my last post on Steem to find the answer to that. I'm still here to comment and point out the absurdity and pointlessness of a centralized blockchain controlled by a 30 year old child.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

Nah, they immune to being censored, just like Justyy was when he made a post about a tool that he built for Hive. He later renamed the post not to mention Hive, likely because Justin asked him to so he isn't embarrassed by showing favoritism. Although his $300+ votes/downvotes are proof enough.