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RE: 쿠폰몰앱과 이시블앱을 응원해주세요.

그가 더러운 경쟁 방법을 사용할 때 증인의 개인적인 자질에 대해 이야기 할 가치가 있습니까?
우리는 여러 번 우리가 다른 사람들이라고 들었습니다. 나는 개인적으로 이것을 확인하기 위해 비디오 회의를 개최 할 것을 제안했다.

내가 당신의 메시지를 읽지 않도록 나를 적극적으로 표시하지 않았습니까? 오,그런 행동을 보는 것이 얼마나 슬픔입니까.


I am sorry about the result. But I can say some users support my development than yours. In addition, we witnesses need competition as well as cooperation.

I did not push users to remove the votes for you. I would have asked privately since they are my acquaintences.

They decided the votes by themselves. They will vote for you if they support your work and contributions.

And I am doing my best to make the steem great again.

You've already apologized) and a day later they did the same thing again. I have nothing to add, except - take care of your soul. I will survive my fall out of the top20, but you will continue to live with your conscience.