motivator in looking after children
*Objek Photret 17032020
Responsibility towards his child
- most of the problems and evils that arise from the behavior of children are the result of neglect by parents. This can stem from a lack of attention, lack of education and so forth. So that they grow up with a personal and bad attitude and despicable.
take care of yourself and your family from the fires of hell is educate and teach your family the things that make them obey Allah Almighty. and forbid them from committing immorality to Him. And multiply dhikr so that Allah saves them from the fires of hell.
- peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu dari api neraka adalah didiklah dan ajarkan kepada keluarga kalian hal-hal yang membuat mereka taat kepada Allah Swt. dan melarang mereka dari berbuat maksiat kepadaNya. Serta memperbanyak zikir agar Allah menyelamatkan mereka dari api neraka.
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