What I have learned from my way of looking at life.


"If you change the way you see things, the things you see change".

A single thought can change your whole life. Before anything can be clearly appreciated or observed, thought is already judging and commenting on what you are seeing, acting as a smokescreen and distorting things from how they may really be.

For this reason it is important to be aware at all times of what you hear, see or experience, because often the way you are interpreting it is not how things really are.

I come back to the same thing... Question yourself, question what you see, what you hear, what you do before you let yourself be carried away by the first idea your mind has. The first thing you think is not what it is, first analyse, be open to possibilities, allow and respect.

So, as cliché as it may sound, "if you change the way you see things, the things you see change".

An open mind is sexy, because it has a capacity for broad vision where before affirming or defending a point, it is open to possibilities, respects different points of view and is able to think about things differently, not as they are seen at first instance.

What may mean bad for you is good for me. What you don't like, I do! What torments you does not torment me. And what you forbid yourself I enjoy.

Let's respect different points of view, let's enjoy the process of life. And let's stop getting carried away by what others do or say. Let's learn that there is only one life and we have to enjoy it.