Skull Fossil Stories: Chinas' 90 years hidden 'Dragon Man' skull and Isreal finds Skull and now Claim to be Neanderthals too

in HeartSTEM4 years ago


The known chronology of man kinds' evolution is again in need of a reimagining. The issue is we have two new differing entries in the 'how old the human race is' race. The Dragon man which is a skull found over 90 years ago and hidden, is now being allowed to be seen and in the process is going to screw with our known history, but just a little bit.

Known as the 'Harbin' cranium which has been sitting in a University in China is also the largest known fossils of a skull, and at 146 thousands years it has been affectionally named the 'Dragon Man' skull. The species designation is 'Homo Longi' and have been determined to be a closer ancestor to modern man than the funky neanderthals were as they never get any love. The scientists also believe that the discovery can put our divergence from the Neanderthals a cool 400 thousands years earlier than previously believed.


Now some more cool details about fossils and this time in Isreal we have some more new history to remember. The Neshar Ramla site for which the name was chosen as the 'Neshar Ramla Homo' species. Over in Tel Aviv University and Hebrew U, there is a tandem announcement and spread within only days regarding a Neanderthal change up. In this case the discovery came to fruition and it now turns out that there actually were Neanderthals in the Levant area much earlier than previously known, and it shares the chronology with this Dragon Man from China. Basically, they knew eachother!


Well maybe they didn't literally know each other, but the rarity of these publications and their news can only leave some extra questions. There is a lot of information that hits us daily and we get to rethink all that we knew... yay! As far as I am concerned the closer we are to seeing just how real it is that the human race and our history is just of one big families' story, the better.


Good work.

hey thanks its fun to share all this cool stuff