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RE: This is Natural Intelligence speaking! / Hier spricht die Natürliche Intelligenz!

in Dream Steem2 months ago

What can I say? I just absolutlely love your stance and will support and help enforce it as much as I can.
I just hate AI eanabled text creation because it is used, not as a tool, but, as a way to cheat yourself into a status that you don't deserve.
I never tried it and never will, as I find no real purpose in it.
Steem on!


Well, I think your right on most of the use cases, but AI could be a very good tol to use for researching different scenarios or circumstances in project work, not in writing articles and blogposts ;)
For instance I/we use these AI-tools in our daily work as promotor of properties and project developer of PV-Power-Plants all over Europe, and there is a lot of changing regulations, involved authorities and law sources, in the case of property its change of prices, taxes, and regional building areas, therefor we use AI because otherwise we would stuck in studying just countless variants of the same plan, law, property, and our business would not produce any income.
So as you can imagine there is for sure some use cases for AI´s but simply not for writing articles, these has to come out of the head or the heart of the authors let´s call it "proof of humanbrain"