Bridge of education

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Of course we have read poetry, right? Or maybe we like writing poetry? Poetry is not only beautiful, but also full of meaning. Poetry texts are usually written to express certain ideas. Well, through this article, I will learn to write about examples of poetry texts. In addition, I will also explain the definition of poetry, its characteristics, and its building blocks, so that we can understand it more easily, and can try to create our own poetry. Keep reading my writing, okay!


Definition of Poetry

In my opinion, poetry is a type of literary work whose language style is determined by rhythm, rhythm, and the arrangement of lines and stanzas. Generally, poetry texts are written to express the poet's emotions, experiences, or impressions, through beautiful words that have many meanings. Therefore, poetry texts often make readers carried away by the atmosphere and feelings. Well, poetry is a literary work that is spoken with feeling and has ideas or thoughts, as well as responses to certain things or events.

Another definition, poetry is an imaginative statement of feelings, feelings that are felt or imagined. Other figures argue that poetry is a literary work that uses language that has been condensed, shortened, and given rhythmic sounds, and has figurative or imaginative words.

Thus, it can be concluded that poetry is a text or composition that expresses the poet's thoughts and feelings by prioritizing the beauty of words. Through poetry we can express various feelings, such as longing, anxiety, to sadness that we experience. Like other literary works, the elements that form poetry consist of intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic elements of poetry are elements found in poetry. This element is divided into two parts, namely spiritual elements and physical elements. Meanwhile, the extrinsic elements of poetry are elements found outside poetry. Extrinsic elements consist of biographical elements, social elements, and value elements.

When the sun shows its rays
Accompanied by the chirping of birds that greet
Second by second that sounds
Wake me up to achieve my dreams

Books that look at me
As if unwilling to drown me in dreams
I look at the sun and say
I am ready for my future
A burning spirit
Arousing the soul and body

The school bell that calls
Is the beginning of gathering knowledge
Seeking knowledge is an addiction for me
Increases intelligence and becomes a bridge to my ideals

Education is a ladder of hope
The ladder leads humans to achieve goals
All humans have the right to use
To turn dreams into reality

The ladder must not be hidden
From all people who want change
The ladder must not be misused
Only to gain profit

The ladder must be really strong
In order to be able to change humans to be dignified
The ladder must always be maintained
In order to guide us to achieve common sense

The ladder must be able to adapt
From an era that is running so fast
The ladder must not be tarnished
In order can lead us to become truly moral human beings

When the sun rises
Rushing to step forward
Seeking knowledge as high as the sky
Who knows the future
Only knowledge I pursue
Until my last drop of blood

Learn, learn, learn
That's what I can do
To reach the door of success
Although difficulties arise
I will not give up on gaining knowledge
Knowledge is my life's guide

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