Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 12 Week 01 - UNDERSTANDING CRYPTOCURRENCY AIRDROPS

in SteemitCryptoAcademy10 months ago (edited)

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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by SteemitCryptoAcademy community' Contest Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 12 Week 01 - UNDERSTANDING CRYPTOCURRENCY AIRDROPS So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!

Define what is crypto airdrop?

Receiving digital currency as a surprise present is similar to a crypto airdrop. Imagine receiving some free cryptocurrency tokens in your digital wallet from a stranger without having to pay a dime. It's similar to picking up cash on the street, but online.

These airdrops take place for a number of reasons, including the introduction of a new cryptocurrency or a project's desire to reward its users. To acquire these free tokens, you may occasionally need to complete easy tasks like following them on social media or subscribing to their newsletter.


But keep in mind that not all airdrops are legitimate , so it is important to exercise caution & only take part in those from reliable sources. It's similar to taking gifts from strangers; you want to be sure they're reliable and safe. Therefore, even though crypto airdrops can be exciting though , it is important to use caution and common sense when using them in the digital realm.

Give the different types of crypto airdrops

Just like ice cream, there are several flavors of cryptocurrency airdrops. The "Standard Airdrop," the first kind, rewards you with free tokens simply for keeping a certain coin in your digital wallet. Like a loyalty bonus from your preferred retailer, the more you hold, the more you receive.

The "Bounty Airdrop," which resembles a treasure hunt somewhat, is the second type. Here, you can get free tokens by performing easy tasks like posting a tweet or joining a Telegram group. It's similar to performing minor tasks for a neighbor in return for a treat. You are rewarded for doing these tasks, which aid in the cryptocurrency project's promotion. As a result, you can choose the cryptocurrency airdrop that best meets your tastes, just like there are a variety of ice cream flavors at your local store.

Have STEEM token ever been claim as a crypto airdrop ?

STEEM coins have indeed been a part of a distinctive crypto airdrop tale. The developers of the blockchain-based social media network STEEM once made the decision to distribute their tokens to users. For those that used their platform frequently, it served as a kind of unexpected present. To reward content producers and promote greater participation, STEEM coins were distributed. As a result, if you participated in the STEEM community, you might have received these tokens as a form of appreciation.

It's similar to receiving a bonus for engaging in your favorite activity; in this case, social media sharing and interaction. This demonstrates that crypto airdrops can take place in unique ways, making the cryptocurrency world exciting!

How to identify if a crypto airdrop is legit or scam. How can we also fine free crypto airdrops

A legitimate crypto airdrop may be distinguished from a fraud like real money can be recognized as phony. Make sure it comes from a reliable source first. Don't believe arbitrary emails or social media posts; legitimate airdrops only come from reputable crypto initiatives.


Second, use caution if they request your personal information or private keys. This is unnecessary for actual airdrops. Last but not least, it's probably a scam if it sounds too good to be true, like offering enormous riches.

Like a treasure hunt, discovering free cryptocurrency airdrops. Follow the official social media accounts of the projects you admire, forums, and websites with cryptocurrency news. Airdrops are frequently announced. To stay informed, sign up for websites or groups dedicated to airdrops. Just keep in mind that while it's enjoyable, the crypto jungle is dangerous.

How are crypto airdrop taxed ?

Taxes on cryptocurrency airdrops can resemble sorting your allowance. Depending on your jurisdiction, different tax laws may apply when you receive free cryptocurrency tokens through an airdrop. Airdrops can be seen as income in some jurisdictions, in which case you would have to include them in your tax return. It's comparable to telling your parents how much money you made at a side gig. To be prepared for tax season, keep track of your airdrops, including when you received them and their worth.

If the airdrop tokens increase in value over time & it's comparable to selling a toy collection for more money than you spent for it. Capital gains tax may be owed in this situation. Keep in mind that tax regulations might change, so it is a good idea to consult a tax professional or research you decide to sell them later, i. Capital gains tax may be owed in this situation. Keep in mind that tax regulations might change, so it's a good idea to consult a tax professional or research your local tax laws to find out how airdrops are treated in your area. Just like maintaining your allowance, balancing your taxes and crypto demands some serious cara. Just like maintaining your allowance, balancing your taxes and crypto demands some serious care.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of crypto airdrops

Advantages of Crypto Airdrops:

  1. Distribution of Tokens: Airdrops provide a way to distribute tokens to a wide audience, increasing token adoption.

  2. Marketing and Awareness: Airdrops can be used as a marketing strategy to raise awareness about a new project or token.

  3. Community Building: Airdrops can help build a supportive community around a project or token, as recipients may become interested and engaged.

  4. User Engagement: Airdrops incentivize users to explore & engage with new blockchain projects or platforms.

Disadvantages of Crypto Airdrops:

  1. Low-Quality Tokens: Many airdropped tokens turn out to be worthless or have little utility, wasting users' time & resources.

  2. Spam and Scams: Airdrops can attract scammers who create fake airdrops to steal personal information or funds.

  3. Regulatory Risks: In some jurisdictions, airdrops could be subject to regulatory scrutiny or taxation , causing legal complications.

  4. Wallet and Gas Fees: Users may need to pay gas fees to claim airdropped tokens, which can be costly , especially during network congestion.

With Best Regards


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


Great read. I enjoyed every bit. As someone who’s been in the crypto space for more than 3years now, I can say it’s been a joy-bitter experience, but they say the most consistent one makes it yeah 🥂. Holding unto that with my dear life! 😅.
I just wanted to add something I think you might’ve missed in your explanation of what an airdrop is….
Your explanation on the subject matter was perceived more from the receiver’s end… atleast in my opinion, and I think the easiest way for anyone to really understand what an airdrop basically is all about, you need to explain it from the issuer’s standpoint.
Here’s what I mean….

An airdrop can be seen as a crypto currency offering, promised to the general public in order to convince them to be a part of the project’s growing community.
“ We’ll give you this amount of our token for free if you join our community “

This is what I mean… as you can see, it makes perfect sense now, you’d agree…. But in all… great read. I enjoyed every point listed out. I love value

Hello, thank you gentleman for reading my post! I really appreciate your insight into airdrops from the issuer's perspective. Indeed, it is a strategy to build a vibrant community by offering tokens as incentives. Cheers to your crypto journey! 🚀🥂😃

Always a pleasure 😊🥂

And I’ve followed you, will love to see more contents from you as regards value. I love value 🤩😁😊

De todo hay un negocio y vemos esto reflejado en la forma en que se indica que si el valor deñ tokens aumenta también lo harán los impuestos.

Es cierto que la forma de promover algún proyecto con Airdrops es interesante y muy rentable para quienes los saben tomar, pero es un arma de doble filo porque para quien no tiene mucha información al respecto puede terminar estafado .

Buena investigación, éxitos y bendiciones para ti.

 10 months ago 

Hello friend your content is really educative and understandable

Wallet and Gas Fees: Users may need to pay gas fees to claim airdropped tokens, which can be costly , especially during network congestion.

Yes this is true especially project built on Ethereum Blockchain usually have higher cost of gas fee before you can swap or sell

Thanks for the sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

Hi @artist1111

Your post is excellent and very informative to understand crypto airdrops.

Many airdropped tokens turn out to be worthless or have little utility, wasting users' time & resources.

This is our experience many times. I'm not interested in claiming airdrops but my son did many times. Recently some of my friend invited to claim a new crypto project but it also seems to be a scam.

Best of luck for the contest dear. I have made contest posts too please, give your feedback.

Thank you mam for reading my post! I will back check out your contest posts and will provide yummy feedback 😄.Good luck!😃


Una de las desventajas de los tokens por lanzamiento aéreo puede ser la baja calidad de su proyecto subyacente, por lo que es fundamental meter el ojo en esos proyectos y no embarcarse en una aventura que puede evitarse.

Saludos y éxitos.

"Thank you for reading my post! Your perspective about the importance of evaluating the quality of the project in airdrops is very valid. Greetings & best wishes for you too! 👍😊"

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