Zethyr finance-Crypto Academy/S4W8, Home-work post for @fredquantum.




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Technology is playing a huge role in the development of different aspect of our lives, the Advent of blockchain has illustrated/provided 90% security to various informations been thrown within the public space, in our day to day activities we need a protocol that looks pretty trusted and that is practically what blockchain technology provides.

We have various cryptocurrencies around the globe today basically operating on various blockchain technologies, remember cryptocurrencies are decentralized meaning they aren't controlled by anyone, it can be swapped, sold, or converted from crypto A-B when the various criteria's are met.

There are various decentralized based platforms aimed at building various digital content in conjunction with a distributed storage technology, in here content can be distributed/shared through a concise and eazy manner. Currently we have more that 700 various DApps, but I will hint on one of the most popular Dapps, that brings us to Zethyr finance.

What is Zethyr Finance


Zethyr finance is a well known Tron DApps, basically decentralized built on Tron blockchain, it's operational capacity is superb and has so many nodes running on the blockchain, more than 1000 to be precise, those saddled with the responsibility of using zethyr finance usually has a direct communication with the Tron smart contract popularly known as zethyr Trust, incorporated with buying and selling of various available tokens.

One of the objective of Zethyr finance is to produce a unique Exchange that is closer to perfection within the Crypto space, the zethyr finance Exchange shares 100% transaction fee gotton from various trades executed by Investors.

Remember zethyr finance operates on the Tron blockchain courtesy this Tron can be lended and borrowed and in the end profits are maximized those tiped to be zethyr users are bound to borrowing Tron, but must follow the steps officially listed below.

  • You must make a deposit on Tron token zephyr finance platform.

  • Tron must be borrowed in expense of your deposited Crypto assets, thus the total amount of Tron borrowed is basically limited considering the efficacy of your crypto collateral while making your borrowing.

  • Your daily intrest rate must be paid continually, in order to avoid accumulated daily intrest rate.

  • Your Tron token must be withdrawn thereby paying the principal loan, it can also be used to pay previous intrest if need be, if there is any outstanding one.

What are the features of Zethyr Finance? Discuss them What is your understanding about DEX Aggregator

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Zethyr finance is a DEX, decentralized application on Tron blockchain, aimed at providing services relating to finance, there are many features of zethyr finance, I will explore then in details.

Lending and supply pool

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Zethyr which is basically a Tron decentralized Exchange are very much available and open for business of lending and borrowing to various Crypto assets like the TRX, USDT, WIN and BTT.

Investors can easily lend out their Tokens to the pool through supply model and earn some APY in the end, the total number of assets been supplied depends on the return on investment you are bound to receiving, you can still follow the model.

Now Let's take for example I'm a lender what I need do is to transfer my assets from my Tron Mobile wallet direct to zethyr smart contract, this gesture is achievable.

because executing transactions are smart contract triggered which requires energy and along the process bandwidth are consumed, that is why you need posess enough TRX before executing transactions on the zethyr finance.

Same synerio is painted to borrowers, ordinarily borrowers are bound to access the liquidity been supplied into the pool, but at this phase borrowers can decide to access and borrow from the zethyr smart contract directly without going to the token/liquidity been provided by the lenders.

From the inception zethyr accepts the following tokens as collaterals USDT, TRX, WIN, BTT, note this act will be achievable after tokens/assets have officially been supplied to zethyr for lending purpose.



supply and borrow Market on zethyr

Zethyr Exchange

In here you have the opportunity to swap your Tron token to another token of your choice, zethyr exchange offers this as one of the so many features it posesses, zethyr Exchange is simply a Tron decentralized Exchange, aggregating liquidity from various facets (decentralized and centralized) exchanges, executed through the use of various API's. Zethyr finance can be connected to binance and so many other Exchanges.

The orders are bound to correspond with each other like buy order, matching with sell order, but note order book isn't in use here, the various matchings doesn't work like our normal order book and it's done in other Exchanges take note. Zethyr Exchange Charges minimal fee whenever transactions are carried out 0.1%, charged be it buy or sell order.



Zethyr finance protocol doesn't only match buy or sell orders in different Exchanges, but the protocol can also yield aggregator from Exchanges be it centralized or decentralized Exchange.

Explore the Zethyr Finance Markets and show profitability (Hint: Best Supply/Borrow APY


There are always profits whenever you supply an assets to zethyr finance protocol, and you are bound to earn APY along the process, when you supply you collaterize your assets and when you are about borrowing you firstly need to unlock the assets supplied thus used as collateral. Note this.



Exploring the zethyr finance Market, there are so many assets outlined the decisions is yours, if you look critically very well you will see that every assets is associated with various APY's and flash liquidity, if you have enough assets you can approach the one with lesser APY or you better still go for the one with greather APY.

Supplying assets to zethyr finance you need enough assets as transactions in here are all triggered by smart contract, you need burn some Tron as initiated by the Tron blockchain. As the homework keeps progressing I will highlight on how to supply assets to zethyr finance.

Show the steps involved in connecting the TronLink Wallet to Zethyr Finance. (Screenshots required)


Connecting your Tron link wallet to zethyr finance protocol is quiet simple in the sense that zethyr finance is an exchange built on Tron DApps so the process seems pretty simple keep reading to get the latest connecti strategy.

  • First download a Tron-link pro Application from the Google play store, or App store.

  • Install it and do your normal registration, then start up the protocol, open the inter-phase there are many options but you click on more at the facial inter-phase.





  • After that another phase will come up where various other DApps are listed in conjunction with the zethyr finance protocol.

  • At that you click on My portfolio to connect your wallet to zethyr finance, when you are done clicking you will then be connected to zethyr finance.

Give a detailed understanding of ztoken and research a token of another project that serves the same purpose as it


zToken Explained


zToken are consolidated regarding the ratio of assets, this means underlying assets are pretty spotted 1:1, or 2:2 in summary the total number of assets/token deposited in zethyr is rational. zTokens are stored, transfered, it can also be traded.

zToken aren't deposited instead they are boundlessly minted, what happens in zethyr protocol is that at any process where Investors underlyn's a token, the interest always lies on the zethyr protocol, let's say I underlyed 20zTRX, which is zToken, the equivalent amount will be minted and distributed across the decentralized applications to various user's direct to their various wallets.

One major fantastic objective about zToken is that it gives user's the opportunity to reciprocate payment intrest, by this I mean withdrawal's can be executed without going through the zethyr protocol.

All you need is to redirect my payment models and it will go straight to my wallet, if you own a zToken you can easily set the momentum and by-pass the token in zethyr.

After all ownership in zToken are more stronger and rigid than what we have in zethyr. Let's say a user's deposited tokens like the USDT, TRX,WIN,BTT, when minted they become zUSDT, zTRX,zWIN,zBTT.

Perform a real Supply transaction on Zethyr Finance using a preferable market. Show it step by step (Screenshots required). Show the fees incurred


  • Looking at the market you can choose which way you want to supply, here I'm going to supply into the Tron Market with my APY at 3.92%.

  • First you need to click on the dot at the right and enable the chosen Market.

  • Another phase will pop up, in here you need to write the total number of Tron you wish to supply, NOTE 10 TRX is the minimum.

  • The next phase you need logging with your own personal password and not any form of posting key.

  • After that your transaction will be processed, and hopefully become successful and your APY will officially be displayed. Let's view some snap-shots below.







From the illustration I have successfully supplied my TRX assets to zethyr finance you can check the transaction hash below.

  • From the total number of TRX assets supplied I'm on Profit level, as supply balance stood at $0.98, and my total APY stood at 3.92%.
  • Courtesy this transaction executing it to the highest was smart contract triggered, a total of 350 bandwidth was consumed in conjunction with 114,245 energy.

  • Energy from other staked energy zero TRX was born.



Hash a9c7f89b78598113d364aee1d8774429fb750d0b77c895c2003fd7f9b83839f6

Collateralize your asset to Borrow on Zethyr Finance, repay the borrowed asset and withdraw your supply. Show the steps involved and your observations (like the fees incurred). (Screenshots required)


Before you can borrow on Zethyr finance protocol you must unlock the borrowing function's, by doing so your assets must be collateralized if not nothing will work.

  • At this phase it's assumed you have initially supplied an assets to zethyr finance, so click on the dot and unlock the assets.

  • Another phase will pop up where you will tap the axis that states, use TRX for collateral, I'm using TRX, because I supplied it initially.

  • Another phase comes up, here imput your keys, never going to be disclosed to any third party, then sign in, remember you need enough TRX assets if not your transaction won't be successful because transactions here are triggered by smart contract, I burnt 20 TRX to unlock the supplied assets in here.




What do you think of Zethyr Finance? Is it great or not? State your reasons


  • Zethyr finance is purely a great one, why I so much adore it is the fluidity it carries executing transaction on the Tron blockchain, you can easily connect your Tron wallet to zethyr finance without much stress.

  • The rate at Which transactions are been executed are pretty in a splendid manner as you don't need to wait for minute before transactions will be verified.

  • In zethyr finance you can supply your assets and earn APY, I really love this protocol, the greather your assets the greather your chances of earning bigger APY, in general I think this DApps built on Tron blockchain is really Splendid.



  • Nice lecture from you professor @fredquantum I really learnt alot from you, I equally highlighted that zethyr finance is a DApps built on the Tron blockchain, it has several features, which includes borrowing and supply of assets. When assets are supplied to zethyr finance you the assets owners earns APY in the end.

  • The consolidation of zToken, are bound to the totality of assets minted, the total number of assets deposited on zethyr finance are rational as token, can be traded, and transfered if need be.in zethyr Exchange you have the opportunity to swap your token from token A-B in that order.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 57592.54
ETH 2911.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.67