Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 Beginner Course - Task 4: Blockchain, Decentralization, Block Explorer by @sameeralii || 02/12/2021



Define decentralization.


It can be defined as a process whose fundamental basis is to distribute a certain authority, function or aspect outside of a central organization. The most relevant aspect of this concept is the action of “distributing”, which is nothing more than dividing the authority equally between individuals or users.

That is why we can say that in a decentralized organization the most relevant characteristic is that each member within it has autonomy and is independent when making any decision. Within a decentralized organization there is no single authority that controls the entire system, unlike a centralized organization, which depends exclusively on a single authority that handles all decisions and establishes the norms and rules that each of its members must follow.


Centralization has a Central Authority.


As part of a decentralized organization, we are owners and responsible for our decisions, we do not depend on a central authority and we are free to act according to their indications, we have full power to carry out any action that seems best to us (even if that means making mistakes).

A clear example of this is this fantastic platform called Steemit, which is a totally decentralized organization, and where all its users are free to make any decision according to our tastes and capabilities, unlike another platform or social network.


Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a decentralized system.



It does not depend on a central authority. Decision-making is done with complete freedom and autonomy. Each user of the decentralized system has full control of their data. The data of each user is protected and the system does not allow them to be altered or modified.

Within the decentralized system there are no intermediaries or third parties, this generates lower costs and commissions at a financial level. As I mentioned earlier, decentralized systems do not depend on a central authority, and this generates better operability, because, if any part that makes up the system fails, it will not cause any inconvenience, the decentralized system continues to function perfectly.


Operations cannot be modified, eliminated or canceled for any reason, if an error is made at the time of making a transaction it can generate loss of money and affect the user on a financial level. The user, having autonomy in decision-making, can make a mistake by not being trained, and there is no central authority to supervise him.

Decentralized systems do not have any type of authority supervision, they can attract criminal people or organizations, in order to cover up fraud or illegal acts.


In what areas of life can a decentralized blockchain be useful? (write in your own words)


In my opinion and taking into consideration the constant failures in the Citizen Identification System in my country (Venezuela), an excellent strategy to simplify procedures would be to implement a decentralized block chain, where our data is secure, where we are guarantee and respect the right of each individual to obtain their Passport quickly and safely, nowadays it is a secret for no one, that there are institutions and people that hinder the legitimate right to obtain a document as important as the Passport, by Having a decentralized system would not depend on a central entity, nor on the inefficiency of those responsible.

Another very important area that we urgently need in my country is an Electoral System that is Decentralized, and that generates total confidence that our vote is protected by the aspects enshrined in our Constitution, which establishes that votes are "secret and free" , many citizens have doubts regarding the fulfillment of these important aspects (unfortunately).

And finally, it would be fantastic if we could have access to quality public services, quality education, a dignified and reliable health system, it would be wonderful if one day thanks to Blockchain technology we have quality of life.




Without a doubt, the world is constantly changing, every day we get closer to technological and financial freedom through the Blockchain, based on its most important characteristic, decentralization, we cannot look away and ignore all the benefits that this would bring to the entire community. humanity, but it also carries a great responsibility, we must prepare and continue training, thus reducing the chances of making mistakes or making bad decisions when being in a decentralized system.


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