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These unique species of mush-rooms, could possibly effective as therapy for mental health disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, stress disorders, depression, alcoholism and multiple other mental health issues.
This might be a potential game changer to not only move much-needed mental health solutions to a wider audience both young and old. Sponsored post. Check disclaimer on the profile and landing page.
Therapeutic uses for psilocybin could go a long way in providing relief for the suffering.
Medicinal and edible mushrooms could possibly be mostly found in the higher basidiomycetes.
CBD might actually be one of the most grounded way towards progress.
This could be an effective appetite stimulant in rats.
This might give more ideas to the doctors to develop more useful medicines.
Ket-am-ine is the only Psych-e-delic drug that might be legal in the US and Canada
Psilocybin could possibly be use as a medication for the management of anxiety disorders.
Wow! Is it true that this could possibly be one of the first companies to deliver immune-boosting beverage?
These other companies spread awareness regarding the moving space of psychedelic therapies.