in HeartChurch2 years ago
Fear and Anxiety are topics I find quite common in the Bible. I presume this might be because our human nature is often prone to both when things are uncertain and our view is not in the right place. Unless trained otherwise, our default can often be to fear or be anxious.


Fear is a hindrance to the enjoyment of life. When you allow fear and anxiety to take shape in your life, you’re allowing something to hinder the fullness in your life. It paralyzes you, immobilizes you, causes you to question moving forward.

It is a distorted perspective, not only is fear a hindrance in your life, but it also places a filter of distorted perspective over your mind. Fear and anxiety produce worry, a false sense of security, and a desire for the things in this world.

Remember that out of fear you develop a desire for something that is unable to fulfill you?
The need for recognition, to please people, for financial stability, the dependence on another--these things become something you crave, perhaps feel you need.

In that place, your perspective becomes distorted. Your number one isn’t God, but instead something empty in this world.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].
2 Timothy 1:7 AMP

Instead of having the distorted perspective, have a proper one! The proper direction for your eyes isn’t on the things of this world and your worries, but on God. When that perspective begins to get distorted, recite this verse and fix your eyes on Jesus. That might mean putting on some worship music, or hitting the ground in prayer, or stepping back from a situation.

If you can get your eyes on God and focus on Him, all those other elements will fall into place. You cast your care to God and God will take care of everything else.

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