We are victorious with Master Jesus

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ..."
2 Corinthians 2:14

I do not know for you but I always love the statement that one with God is in the majority, we are often told. Our God is the Alpha and Omega which means beginning and the end. This also means that whatsoever God does in our lives he will bring to completion.

All that God requires from us is that we become His and pledge our loyalty to Him. He too on His part will use whatsoever gift we have to make us victorious in life. Paul's dedication to Judiasm had caused him become an enemy of Christianity. But God took him on board and used this dedication to enhance the cause of Christ.

So as Paul discussed his trip to Mecedonia in 2 Corithians Vs 2, he began to thank God who had turned his life around and made his ministry and his relationship with his converts a success. God really causes us to trimph in Christ despite our shortcomings and weakness.

The fact remains that ones we are set to accomplish a task and seek the help of the Holy Spirit. He would crown that our littlee effort with success. There's this story by Joel Osteen about a young boy who desired to be a pianist but had some limitation. Nevertheless, he refused to submit to any form of discouragement. He practiced the song he loved as if his life depended on it. A day came his father took him to concert to watch his role model perform. After they had walked into the hall, the young boy saw a piano behind a curtain and he sneaked over to play his favourite song which he has been practicing for days or weeks or so.

While playing thee song he never knew that he had a great audience who were right behind him enjoying the piece. Thus, the the curtain was raised and he beheld the huge stage and great audience, he tried to run off the stage but two gentlemen held him back whispering to him to continue since he was doing great in the piece and that he caught the audience interest for the night.

No doubt that piece was the best and the only that the audience voted for as the song of the night. This of course made the boy become popular overnight because the master of the band crew and pianist who happened to be a role model had accepted him to the band.

Similarly, if only we can always involve the Master (Jesus Christ ) in our business and plans, then we sure would not fail but triumph over every limitation.

I pray for you that Jesus shall make you and I overcome our fears and have victory in all aspects of our lives in Jesus name, amen.

Do have a blessed day and peaceful night rest


Through our Lord Jesus Christ we overcometh every persecutions. Thanks for this great post.

Thank you for reading. I am grateful.

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