Husbands, love your wives and vice versa .... (20% to @HeartChurch)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and join his wife, and the two will be one body. ”[A] 32 This is a deep mystery; I mean Christ and the church. 33 In any case, each of you also love your wife as yourself, and may the wife respect her husband. Ephesians 5: 31-33 New International Version (NIV)

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It is a commandment of God that every man love his wife and be faithful to her in the marriage relationship.
If we delve into God's ordinances toward the marriage relationship, we will find that both women and men have multiple responsibilities before God to lead a holy and unblemished marriage.

The man must show love and fidelity. Love should lead to respect and good treatment between the spouses. Love is the basis of good communication and loyalty between the couple.

Love must put out the fire of anger and offense in marriage.
The relationship of a couple goes through the understanding of the ordinances of God. The marriage will be solid and strong, if the spouses make the word of God present in their relationship.

The husband is called to have excellent marital relationships of height and respect, just as Christ has excellent relationships with the church that is his wife.

In the conjugal relationship, the opinion of the parents of the spouses should not intervene, because by mandate of God, the man must become independent from his parents and live his intimacy with his partner in a different place than his parents.

When the marriage relationship becomes independent from the parents, things go with greater intimacy and respect.
The man above the difficulties or differences that may arise, must love his wife. Similarly, the wife must be submissive to her husband and respect in all aspects of the marriage relationship.

If the spouses love and respect each other, the conjugal relationship is sanctified before God.

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