Psalm 33: 1-3 says: "Rejoice, O righteous, in the LORD.



Psalm 33: 1-3 says: "Rejoice, O righteous, in the LORD; praise is beautiful in the upright. Shout unto the LORD with the harp; sing unto him with the psaltery and the psaltery-chord. Sing unto him a new song; make it good, rejoicing".

We are before a hymn, which sings the justice and omnipotence of God, in this psalm fundamentally what we do is to acclaim that God is the Lord of the universe, who is our friend, our companion, who does not leave us alone at any time and constantly gives us the strength we need to move forward in the midst of the battles that come our way.
Going further into this psalm we can see that at first it is an invitation to praise God, then we can find the reasons why we should praise Him.

From verse 4 we find that God has a "moral" behavior because he is a just God and is righteous and therefore deserves our praise.

Then we can see an omnipotent God, who was the creator of everything that surrounds us, because he decided so and that is why he is always looking out for us and wants to give us more, he likes to give us the best because we are his children and he loves us and because he is provident and generous.

From verse 12 to 15 we realize that we have been chosen by God and when we feel chosen the only thing we should do is to praise and bless him and God will always be watching over us giving us his protection.

In this psalm we are given a beautiful conclusion and it is "Trust".

We await God who is our help and is our shield. We constantly say a phrase "the word has power" and how good it is to realize that the word of God is effective and true.

***In the midst of all this that we are discovering today, I realize that I can pray better from now on, because after each prayer of the day, after praising Him and talking to Him about my things, I can end by making a plea that goes like this: ***

"Lord, be with me,
Because if you accompany me
I will come out ahead,
I will be happy".

Another interesting point of this psalm is "the certainty", the confidence that only God saves us, that is why we trust in him.

Many will think that there are other things that are necessary and that can save us, for example, our strength and intelligence, which of course are very important and useful to get ahead, but they are not the ones that save us, because the one who really saves us is God, because he is great and powerful and loves us and takes care of us.


Prologue of John verse 6 to 9

"Be a man, be a woman who praises the Lord, be certain of the infinite power of the prayer of praise."

So today friends, I want to invite you to praise God, to trust him and always ask him to be with you.

God bless you, bless your days and your family. Take care of yourself and we will read each other in a future post.

Pinta tu vida de hermosos colores.png


Muy bonita reflexión. La Palabra de Dios si tiene poder y es efectiva y verdadera, como tú lo dices. Gracias por compartir, Saludos.

Amén. Todo pasara en esta vida, menos la palabra de Dios.

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