in HeartChurch3 years ago


Hello fellow steemit bloggers. Greetings to you all.
Hope all is well with us all by the grace of Almighty God. Today is May day. Thanks be to God for a wonderful day and a new month.
Today is Saturday which happens to be a Sabbath day to us .
I want to take this opportunity to share with you the beginning and the end of man. My purpose is sharing this message is to let us know where we come from, how we came and where we are going to go.
So that we will know how to live our very well in order to have a better place to be after death.
Is more unless like some people have forgotten all these and never thought of all these . So l want to remind ourselves small .

Now according to Genesis 2:7,8 (
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed".)
So from the quote, we know that every human was created from dust.
So after God created man, He then created and brought her to the man .


According to Genesis 2:18-23, a woman was created from the rib that was taken from man.
Now Adam got his partner Eve in the garden of Eden
Man was given everything in the garden. Upon all that, God gave man rules and regulations in the garden. What to do and what not to do.
But man disobeyed God by eating fruit that was asked not eat.
Eve was able to confused and convinced her husband to eat a fruit that he was warned not to eat all because he loved his wife very well after the snake convinced Eve to eat. From Genesis 3:1


No wonder lady's has let so many men people to fall down in life . Because it started from the generation. This is telling us to be very careful with lady's especially men of God. When they are not in our we are incomplete and when they happens to be in our lives too, troubles and problems .
Now after man and the wife disobeyed God, God show man where he comes from.


Genesis 3: 19, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return".
This is telling us that, we were all created from dust and dust shall we return to.
Beloved, a time is coming we will all go. For we are all strangers on Earth .
If we've now noticed that we are from dust and we shall go back to dust one day, then let not us forget the rules and regulations of our Creator has given to us.
Whoever you are whatever you have humble yourself and respect each and everyone you find yourself with. Because one-day one-day you will return to dust.
Thank you very much and stay blessed.
God bless you for reading and listening.

I will bring it to you"Death and what happens after Death" in another time.
That will be in part 2

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