The power of God

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Christianity is not a religion but Christianity is a movement of power, it is power that make's your work different from what other's are doing, every child of God command and attracts power.

**What is power?""

=>> Power is a delegated authority from God to man.

Power has been delegated to every child of God to act on behalf of Jesus, every child of God on earth is acting on behalf of Jesus.
power is you acting on behalf of Jesus.
=>>Luke 9:1-2 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.
And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

Power is responsibility, when you are endure with power it an opportunity to act on behalf of someone, according to that scripture every child of God has been given power to carry out a particular task in life.

Power is ability to have control over what is happening in your life, as a child of God you have ability to decide what happen in your life, when you are in control, you are not move by the happens around you.

Power convert the invisible to visible, in the days of power, His power will be made visible here on earth. God is the source of power and the moment you receive Jesus power is activate in you.

Dimensions of power

=>> When God's power come upon you, you become a ruler in the midst of your enemies

=>> The power of God on a believer, make's that believer unstoppable in life.

=>> When you are a carried of power, what hurt other will not hurt you.

Daniel 6:27 He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

=>> In the days of God's power, the weak shall be made strong, and the sick shall be healed.

=>>When the power arrives, nothing shall be impossible.

How to connect with power*

=>> You must have quality relationship with God the giver of power.

God will never give power to those who are not in quality relationship with him.
John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Automatically you can only access this power only when you receive Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour.

You need this power to stay in control of situation, and the happenings around you, it is possible to own this power, just take a simple step of believing in Jesus and confess him as your personal Lord and saviour.

If you are ready to receive this power of God which is Jesus, say this after me:--

Lord Jesus, I believe that you dead for my sin, and you resurrected to give me eternal life, right now I confess you as my personal Lord and saviour, come into my life and take control. Thank you for saving me, I am born again....Hallelujah

Now power is at work in you, take charge and remain blessed


Christianity isn't a movement of power. Jesus gave his disciples the power to perform miracles but he doesn't do that to you or me. If you can perform miracles, cure my diabetes. Make me healthy.

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