Peter had a bad day. Judas a bad heart and you what do you have for today?

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

In life we ​​have good moments and bad moments, but each one of them comes to teach us a new opportunity in life and obviously it depends on our attitudes towards each lived moment, as our attitude towards circumstances does not truly demonstrate our character and our decisions, since all people do not act the same everything will depend on where we have our heart tilted that is to say in whom we are taking our heart


In the Bible we also find examples of attitudes that the disciples who walked with the Lord assumed, for example, I particularly love the story of Peter, his life and his attitudes because although Peter was self-sufficient and handled things in his own way, many times the Lord had patience with him and helped him out of that situation

Let us remember that Pedro had a bad time in his life when he had to deny the Lord because I think this was the worst day of Pedro's life and we too have often denied the Lord perhaps not in the same circumstances but we have done it with our attitudes and offenses to God

Mark 14: 66-72
"While Peter was downstairs, in the courtyard, one of the servants of the high priest came; and when he saw Peter warming himself, looking at him, he said: You were also with Jesus the Nazarene. But he denied, saying: I do not know him, nor I know what you are saying. "And he went out to the entrance; and the rooster crowed. And the maid, seeing him again, began to say to those who were there: This is theirs. But he denied again. And soon after, those who They were there they said again to Peter: Truly you are theirs, because you are a Galilean, and your way of speaking is similar to theirs. Then he began to curse, and to swear: I do not know this man of whom you speak. The rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the words that Jesus had said to him: Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. And thinking about this, he cried. "

Jesus had already warned Pedro that he would deny that before the rooster crowed twice he would deny it but remember that Peter felt self-sufficient and told the Lord that he would never deny it so Jesus had to shape the character of Pedro teaching him that man fails and that only through him we would obtain victory in our Christian walk and obviously the worst and most bitter day came for Pedro before the rooster crowed twice and Pedro had denied the Lord

However, we must understand that this was the opportunity that Jesus gave Peter to be healthy from his ego and self-sufficiency.This bad day of Peter was the day that Peter suffered the most in his life when he had to deny his lord, but did Peter learn the lesson? Of course, Peter learned it. He had a bad day in which he cried bitterly, repented with a pain in his soul that he could not understand or decipher because he had a heart for God, a good heart and what really matters to God is the heart of man the good that is in the


Unlike Judas who also had a bad day when he sold the Lord for three pieces of silver but he acted badly because he had a bad heart and did the wrong thing by taking his life
We must learn to discern Judas from Peter because those who act like Peter are really restored but Judas is let go

We must reflect on our character of the opportunities that God allows us because they occur with a divine purpose to bring out the best in our hearts because when we have a good heart it is because Jesus lives in him and we correct our mistakes and allow ourselves to be shaped by our Lord instead when there is rebellion and a bad heart Judas is present and we must let him go to heal

Today we must reflect on the judas that have come into our lives and we must differentiate the pedros from the judas because the pedros are restored the pedros hear and allow themselves to be corrected but the judas are rebellious and make their own decisions because they are evil-hearted

Pedro means restoration in the spiritual world and really throughout the history of Peter we realize that he learned the lesson after he denied the Lord because when after this he has an encounter with the Lord we see him humble calm he had no self-sufficiency at all and Jesus restores to test his new character tells him the following:

John 21: 15-17
15 When they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter: Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these? He replied: Yes, Lord; You know that I love you. He said to him: Feed my lambs.
16 He said to him again the second time: Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me? Peter replied: Yes, Lord; You know that I love you. He said to him: Shepherd my sheep.
17 He said to him the third time: Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me? Pedro was saddened that I said to him the third time: Do you love me? And he replied: Lord, you know everything; You know that I love you. Jesus said to him: Feed my sheep.

With that affirmation of Peter and that humility to respond, we realize that Peter learned the lesson very well. Jesus asks him the question three times and he answers the same thing and affirms that "he knows everything" with this demonstrates that he was not self-sufficient not at all that Jesus himself had already finished with that in his heart because he showed him that he knew that he loved him because it was the Lord Jesus who knew everything

What a wonderful lesson Peter learned from his master! But are you and I learning from the mistakes and circumstances that life presents us? Are we guarding our hearts in the face of circumstances to learn the lessons each opportunity brings us? or do we need the Lord to give us a lesson to reflect

Beloved let us learn to differentiate a good heart from a bad heart because the world is full of bad hearts and we need to have a good heart so when the bad days come we can show what is really in us that obviously must be full of the presence of our lord to be able to win





An attitude of gratitude will get you far in life. I am blessed with a wonderful family which can be very challenging at times too but they enrich my life and I would be nothing without them. They are my world.

the judas are rebellious and make their own decisions because they are evil-hearted, very true

Do we as Christians really recognise our flaw or are ready to admit that we have one and therefore work towards overcoming such flaws? I am just wondering Jesus' style of handling the two situation.
Whereas, he placed a curse upon Judas, the man through whom the son of man will be betrayed and killed, he prayed for Peter for grace to overcome.
Thank you so much Apostle Mother, I am really inspired to writing more on this. Blessings.

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