One secret to an encounter with God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Hunger is a strong desire for something that is absent or lacking.It could be food,money, material things,fame,power or even the anointing.Hunger is a prove that there is need for something.
The reason why many of us don't have answered prayers is because we are most times not actually hungry for what we want.When a child is hungry,I mean really hungry,the way that child would cry would immediately pass the message even if the child doesn't talk.The cry alone is enough information that he is hungry.If that child doesn't cry to indicate that he is really hungry and needs food urgently,the parents may never know,and so the food may not come.The same way if you are not hungry for something,even if you pray, you may not have it.Hunger preceeds encounter.It is a currency that cannot be rejected in the spirit realm.If hunger is added to your prayers,it would produce much result.Even in the kingdom of darkness,a person who wants to encounter a spirit or demon,he must sustain a certain level of hunger to be able to encounter that spirit.In the same way,there are certain things we would not get from God if we are not hungry and thirsty for it.Mind you I'm not talking about physical hunger when you need food.Rather,I'm referring to a deep desire for that thing.Let God see that you really need it.
Matthew chapter 5 says "blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness,for they shall be filled.Hunger is a prove of your sincerity towards that need.God does not joke with hungry and thirsty people.If you need revival,be hungry.If you need an encounter,be hungry.If you need a breakthrough,be hungry.People who get revival are not those who pray for it but those who are hungry for it.A burning desire is all you need.
whatever you need,while you pray about it,be hungry to see it come to pass.God can not despise the prayer of a sincerely hungry man.

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