Does God really speak?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Hearing from God has always been a very controversial issue which has lingered and remained on the table of contention in the body of Christ.So many are of the view that it is not possible to hear God.While others say that God speaks to them continually,others say they often hear him.Meanwhile some are still praying, hoping and expecting God to speak to them someday.They believe that God speaks,but they haven't heard Him speak to them before.They are many views going on in our churches about hearing from God.
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Some teach that God only spoke to people in the Bible:our fathers and the prophets in time past.Some say that he only speaks to the pastors, and men of God.Some just teach and preach that God truly speaks but they haven't experienced His speaking before.

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Scriptures upon scriptures in the Bible have shown and proven that God actually speaks and that He can speak to you as well.God speaks continually and He never stops speaking.
Isaiah 6:8 makes us to understand that God has been speaking.
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying;Whom shall I send,and who will go for us?Then said I,Here I am,send me."

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  This shows that He has been speaking,but because no one was listening,He kept speaking:And this continues until someone showed up and said;"I will go,send me."

The book of Jeremiah says He kept speaking but none was listening.
The Holy spirit will continually speak, but without your ears and heart been inclined to Him, you will not hear.
In case you're saying He only spoke to people that in the old testament,hear this.
"While Peter thought about the vision,the Spirit said to him,Behold three men are seeking you.Arise therefore,go down and go with them,doubting nothing;for I have sent them."
Acts 10:19-20.

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In present times,we have people who still hear God.
   Samuel, according to 1 Samuel  3:1-15,heard God speak to him at a very young age.He was still a young boy,not even a youth.
    So having established the fact that God speaks and is still speaking and will never stop speaking,and can as well speak to you as a person:the question now is, do you believe that God can speak to you?
       In my next post,I will share a few reasons why most of us don't hear God or haven't heard Him.These are few tips and points from my very little experience on the subject matter.
    Hope you benefitted from this little piece?
 Thank you for stopping by to read!


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