How to hear God.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Here comes the final and long awaited part of this whole topic(Hearing God).
Thank you so much for patiently following the series,and I hope that God has changed and corrected something in our lives and walk with Him.I also pray that by the time we are done with the heart desire of many to hear God would be answered.

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      For the sake of those who didn't join us from the beginning of the series,we started by answering the question of whether God speaks or not,and we had different proves that God speaks Then,we went further to discuss some of the reasons why it seems as if God does not speak or why we do not hear Him.

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   Today by God's grace we would be looking how we can hear Him if we really want to.
     When it comes to hearing God,one very important and essential thing to be considered is your readiness to hearing Him.He says "you seek me,you will find me,if you seek me with all your heart."This is to say that the state of our heart is very crucial when it comes to hearing God.The state of our heart greatly affects our walk with God and dealings with God.Hence,the first the thing to do in your seeking to hear God is to circumcise your the starting point in trying to hear God.It involves doing away with any form of sin that might hide the face of God from us because His eyes are too holy to behold any sin,no matter how little or mild.
   Secondly,You must be sensitive to hear Him speak,else when He speaks you won't hear.There are certain situations where God needs your attention,your ears and your heart before He can pass certain informations.That is why there are so many things God will not tell your until you've stayed in prayers.When you pray well,your heart becomes inclined such that you can hear Him clearly whenever He speaks.
  Thirdly,Build yourself on the word of God.Improve your Bible study.
  Romans 10:17 says,'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
You can't expect to hear God when you're far away from His word.Hearing Him starts from hearing His word which is capable of transforming us into the image of God.The word of God renews your mind such that it is inclined with the mind of God.

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  The audibility of His voice is based on how much of His word you eat and hear daily.
Fourthly,Be ready to hear whatever He will say,the way He will say it;No matter how had or harsh it is.Stop assuming that God will only say things to comfort you and make you feel nice.Sometimes He needs to rebuke and discipline us.
 Fiftly,Stop grieving the Holy Spirit.Hebrews 3:15.Avoid hardening your heart.Obey whatever He tells you as this will make Him believe and trust us to carry out His instructions.
Lastly,create an enabling environment:God dwells among men based on the nature of the environment or atmosphere of man's fellowship with Him.
   This kind of atmosphere could be created through worship,praises,fasting and prayer.To hear God, you must create an atmosphere that is conducive for His speaking.
    Also,we must also sustain an atmosphere that is suitable for hearing Him.If your are always talking,you would hardly or Never hear God. That's because an ever talking man never listens.Moreso if your are always quarrelling, arguing, fighting and exchanging words with people,you may never hear God,and that's because God is never found where there's strife and anger.No wonder He said   in Hebrews,"pursue peace with all men,with holiness without which no man shall see God.He says,"As much as it is within your power,live at peace with all men."
  So your relationship with people and particularly the ones around you can affect your hearing God.
     Finally brethren,whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,whatever things are honest,whatever things are of a good report,if there be any virtue in it think on these things.
     Therefore,if hearing God is good,pure,honest,of a good report,and has virtue in it,then think on it.

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