Smile Contest:How costless a smile is and how important it could be.

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Good day friends and hope you're having a nice time out there? I'm really happy to join this contest initiated by @imadear.
A SMILE is actually one of the most costless things that exist as it requires virtually nothing to put on one.It would actually not change or take anything from us to put o a smile on our faces.
As costless as it may seem,it is capable of causing very costly changes .
A smile on your face doesn't just give you personal benefits such as making you healthy and as well more beautiful or handsome as the case may be,it is also beneficial to others around you.A smile on the face when offering a handshake is all that is needed to strengthen a weary soul and restore joy to the saddened heart.The depressed souls around you needs just a cheerful smile from you to lift them out of their depression. A broad cheerful smile is one very important medicine against discouragement.Even in medicine,it has been discovered that a cheerful and always smiling patient has a greater chance of recovering faster than those with frowned, swollen and tight faces showing all their discouragement.
Infact Proverbs 17:22 says 'A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.'
A smiling face has numerous benefits to the individual himself.There are many health conditions today which require a cheerful heart and an ever smiling face to facilitate and enhance speedy recovery.
Finally,it would cost you nothing to put up a smile on your face and as well trigger one on someone else's face.A smile is worth more than a million dollar.If you can't give a million dollars,why not give a smile?


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