Understanding Times and Seasons

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Ecclesiastes 12:1-2
KJV:To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
KJV:A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted

In every complete day there are always four phases,and these are the morning phase,the afternoon phase,the evening phase and the night phase.In the same vain,there are different phases in every man's life,and his ability to decern and understand what phase of life he is in per time is what determines his success in that phase and his prosperity in the next phase.In life we have the early phase or morning.This is the early stage of our lives.It is our first twenty-five years.It is our youthful years.This is the time when we are required to be sowing into our lives and destinies.It is the period when we are expected to build value unto ourselves.It is not necessarily the time to enjoy unnecessarily and flirt around.It is the time for capacity building.It is the time to to read books ,watch tapes and videos and read articles that are rich and contain value.Meet relevant people who have excelled and made it in certain areas and attained certain heights.You invest time and money in yourself and as well your future.

The second phase is the afternoon phase.It is our second twenty-five years (i.e 26-50 years).This is the time when you create impact by investing in people's lives after you've finished investing in yourself in the previous 25 years.You do all you can this period to make a person's life meaningful.It is those who understands this phase and invest in people that even after they've died,their memory remains in the hearts of many for a very long time.The impact you create in people's lives in this phase would determine how well you will enjoy the next phase which is the evening phase or third 25 years(i.e 50-75 years).Just like the evening time is meant for rest so this particular phase is the time when you are expected to be resting from your labours.If you discover that you are still working as though you are in your morning stage or as if you are still a youth,then understand that you didn't invest well in your morning and afternoon times.You are not expected to still be working and hussling tiredlessly when you are supposed to be resting.Because at this period you should be eating from the labours of your hands and your investments in previous years.
Then finally we have the last phase and that is the night phase.Just like you sleep at night,if you sleep (die) any moment in this phase,it would be a sound one.People who have invested in themselves in their morning or early stages,and in other's in their afternoon stages and who didn't just invest but invested rightly will sleep at this phase a fulfilled person.

But the issue now is that most of us are not ready to endure as necessary during our morning and afternoon phases.We are not ready to pay the price to invest.We are not ready to forgo the trending clothes and shoes to investing ourselves.We rather want to start enjoying now what we are meant to enjoy tomorrow and thus put our future at a risk.Have you wondered why majority of the young people who flexed life in the young days are suffering today?This is the reason.When they were meant to pay the price for their future,they were busy enjoying themselves and flexing life as it appeared to them forgetting that there is tomorrow.
Invest in your future today and reap it tomorrow.The sowing process is always very painful and tiring,but determine to do it,If not for yourself,at least for your children and generation yet unborn.Understand what phase you are in presently and do what's appropriate and best to give you maximum benefits at the end.Let's stop trying to jump from morning to evening.Else what we would experience would be and eclipse.Dackness and less than a shadow of what expected it to be.
That's my little advise to my dear friends and steemians.God bless you and have a blessed day as well.


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