Why don't I hear God?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Hello steemians. It's awesome reaching out to us again. I promised I was going to share some little tips or reasons why some of us do not actually hear God. These are things gotten from my little experience and walk with God so far.moratorium as you go as they move forward we will discover that most of these things are things that some of us are victims of knowingly or unknowingly and I pray that God help us I mean this part of our lives. No one is perfect but we are all moving towards perfection and as such we learn from each other on a daily basis.
In my last post I discussed the issue of hearing God and we saw it that God actually speaks.we saw that the holy spirit will continually speak to us but if our ears and hearts are not inclined to him we will not hear him okay very quickly let's look at the reasons why we don't hear god.

  1. Sin:there's actually nothing you can get from God, if your ways are right before him.the Bible says that sin is a reproach and brings a demarcation between Man and God sorry that we can't get anything from him and he can't send anything from us because his eyes are too holy his to holy to behold iniquity so whenever we have anything standing in front of us that hides the face of God from us he always said that he signs are not too short to help us and his ears are not close that you cannot hear it but I was seeing has caused the blockade sorry that you can't hear us.
    In Genesis 3:10 when God came to the garden of Eden looking for Adam aftet he might have eaten of the forbidden tree.Then God called out to Adam, but Adam was hiding because he knew that he was naked.
    "and he said, I heard that voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself."
    that was because he was aware that something had removed the garment of the glory of God from him and that was SIN.As a result,the fellowship he normally had with God, he couldn't have it anymore because something was hiding him from God and that was his Sin.
    When Abraham went in to hagai his slave,God was hidden from him for a very long time because of that act until the mercies of God found him again and then God came back to speak to him.
  2. we are always too busy:every time God wants to speak to you,he finds out that you're always busy, you have no time for him.Even if he speaks audibly,you're being busy will not let you hear him.In the morning, you wake up,then up you go rushing out of the house, then you are back late in the night only to sleep out of tiredness. How do you expect him to speak to you? Just like we humans, God needs our attention for him to speak to us.

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3)disobedience and disregard:
Luke 6:46"how do you call me Lord Lord, when you don't do what I tell you?"
why should He keep speaking to you when anytime speaks,you don't obey,God is not just a spirit without emotions.He is a person, an emotional one who feels just like you do.He feels pain,He feels sorrow, He feels joy,He feels happiness etc.The same way you stop speaking to a person about something who refuses to hear or obey,so it is with God.Don't expect to displease and hurt him and assume He is too supernatural to feel it.He says that He will honour those who honour him. so if you want to hear him speak to you, then you have to honour him by obeying the commandment He has already given you.

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   4) You're always assuming what He will say,so when he eventually says something that is not in line with what you were thinking, you will assume that it's not God speaking.you want him to always say what you want to hear, but God is not like that the nature of his speaking and his word does not change: it is sweet and bitter.It is a two edged sword.so whichever way it comes, you have to take it that way.

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  This and many more are the reasons why we don't hear God.I pray that this has helped you a little in your walk with God.In my next post I would share with us how we can hear God effectively or how we can start hearing God if we haven't.
Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog today.Hope you have an excellent day ahead.

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