in HeartChurch4 years ago

STRIFE is a work of the flesh, bitter conflict, rivalry, and competitive jealousy that is cancerous to the Body of Christ. Strife should be far from the children of God.

Strife drains the blessings of God in our lives. Allow the Spirit of God to breathe on your heart, strife leads to bondage, but the Spirit of the Lord brings liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17).

The results of strife are confusion, evil works, and stagnation (James 3:16).
Envy leads to strife, rejoice with others when they are blessed and celebrated. Those who hate and bitterly envy others don’t go forward, they remain in one spot for years without progress.

Hatred also leads to strife(Proverbs 10:12). Guard your heart against hatred towards others. Let your love shine as light.
When you see people who are blessed and celebrated, instead of resulting in jealousy and envy, ask God to help your heart to love and rejoice with them genuinely. By so doing, God will lift and make your life a blessing.

God can deliver you from strife when you trust him to help your heart. The scriptures say

"You also have delivered me from strife with my people; You kept me as the head of the nations. People whom I had not known served me”[2 Samuel 22:44 AMPC]
God has better plans for you, trust God, follow God’s timing and strife will be far from you.

“Where do all the fights and quarrels among you come from? They come from your desires for pleasure, which are constantly fighting within you”[James 4:1 GNB]

Write down those things that trigger strife in you, trust God to deliver you from those things.

Lord, work on my heart, help me to genuinely celebrate others when you bless them.


To be jealous is to be in bondage by the Devil. Flee from jealousy , of any kind!!

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Lord! 😢Please work on my heart i don't want to struggle with secret jeolousy.

Thanks for reading

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