Don't hold back forgiveness

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Mark 11: 25-26. And when you pray, if you have something against someone, forgive him, so that your Father who is in heaven will forgive you for your offenses. Because if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive you your offenses.

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In my life experience, I have learned that if I do not forgive, bitterness takes over my heart and I become a spiteful person.
Leading a life of resentment is not easy at all and you feel that everything around you bothers you and even your own family.

The lack of forgiveness produces very severe wounds in the heart which makes you a difficult person to carry and understand.
The Lord teaches in his word that you have to forgive yourself in order to receive his love and forgiveness. You cannot spend a lifetime full of anger and rage with people who offend or hurt you. God wisely tells you that you must forgive so that the wounds of the heart can heal.

When you can forgive the person who has done you wrong, then you can come to the feet of Christ and you will find his forgiveness. You feel that a great weight of the heart is thrown to the ground and you feel a great freedom in your soul that you want to run and hug everyone including your enemies.

Do not hold forgiveness in your heart anymore, look for the person who has offended you today and tell them that you forgive them and that you want to be at peace with them. When you return to the presence of God, a stream of tears will come out of your eyes and an intense peace will shelter you, which will make you happy, because you have forgiven your offenders.

The Lord taught his disciples that they should love their enemies. The reason for this was that their hearts were not filled with hatred against their enemies.

Decide to forgive those who have caused you much harm and do not hold back forgiveness so that you can lead a healthy and enjoyable life before God.

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