If your attitude towards sin is wrong, sin is most likely going to have you as a “play mate” and it will set you on a race of regret. What we see in Scriptures is for us to abhor sin in all its forms and ramifications. To abhor sin is to regard it with extreme repugnance. Sin is to be utterly detested, you are to see it as an abomination; something that is to be forbidden.
If you don’t take this posture against sin and you seek to play around it; you will be trapped and drained spiritually. Sin is something God forbids for you and it is something you have to forbid for yourself. There is no good in sin; if the devil succeeds in making you see good in what God says is bad, he will end up enslaving you. that was what the devil did to Eve in the garden of Eden and the whole of mankind was plunged into a mess.
While Eve tried to maintain that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was declared by God as a no go area; the devil insisted that it wasn’t really bad as God told them. Beware of anything that suggest to you that sin is not as bad as God’s Word says it is. You will have to forbid for yourself anything that prompts you to give sin a second thought; if you succumb, you are likely not going to survive it.
It is sinful, it is sinful and that’s all. Why it should be regarded as sin is really not the issue: God said it is sinful and because God has declared it so, it forbids your participation. Eve gave it a second thought and the Bible says in Genesis 3:6; that, “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat”.
When she finished eating it, the next thing she saw was her nakedness . Why? She attempted seeing good in what God said was bad. This is what happens when you give sin a second thought and you attempt to see good in it: it will strip you of your divinely acquired glory.
Refuse the incitement by your flesh to give it a trial; because, you may really never come out of it. It may be sweet to your taste; but it will turn out to be gravel in your mouth. Hate every appearance of evil: whether on the pages of a magazine, on the television screen, on the street, in a discussion; wherever you site it, flee! Sin is a reducer any day, it impedes divine elevation.