The best gift

in HeartChurch2 years ago


If we strip it of all artificial decorations, Christmas is still beautiful, my life is a humble life, where I live with my family, wife and daughter. I think the family reunions and the reunion with friends, is the true essence of Christmas.

For many, Christmas is receiving gifts, eating delicious food, traveling, and having money. I do not believe that these things are bad, but beyond the material gifts, true Christmas consists of love for others.

There is no gift, no matter how precious God the Father gave us that night in a manger in the small village of Bethlehem.

God's gift in Christ. the greatest gift I have is my daughter. the greatest gift is to see a mother reconnected with her lost child, a father arriving home after a long work trip.

So from this so relaxing space of my house, I wish you a Christmas flick, while a Christmas song goes through my mind, to give you.


Que bonitas palabras, el verdadero sentido de la navidad, la reconciliacion valorar el sacrificio de Jesus, celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro salvador y valorar las pequeñas cosas que hacen grande nuestra vida. Bendiciones 💖

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