Set your sights on GOD and not on Material Wealth.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

1st Timothy Chapter 6:17-19
17-To the rich of this present age he commands not to be haughty, nor to set their hope on riches, which are uncertain, but on the living God, who gives us all things in abundance for our enjoyment.
18-That they may do good, that they may be rich in good works, giving, generous;
19-To treasure up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay hold of eternal life.


Blessings to the people of God, brothers our only and best wealth we will have in heaven because the life of man is not in the abundance of the goods he possesses, it is in seeking the Kingdom of God and his Justice because the rest comes in addition, as his word says the material riches in the world are uncertain so we must trust in the living God who is the only one who gives us what we need to live, to whom we must express our gratitude every moment of our life. The only wealth that the Christian should seek are the good works of God, the gifts and his generosity, the word of God teaches us that we are administrators of the Ministry of God and that we must comply with the indispensable requirement that our Heavenly Father demands of us, which is to demonstrate love for Him and to be Faithful to Him, our Lord Jesus Christ warns us that we should not get used to live on riches because that is vanity and we will take nothing with us when we die.


Beloved brothers, material riches are not bad because they are part of the Blessings of God but when people receive them they do not know how to administer them in the order of God and they can even forget who has given them to them, they can even transform their personality. But our Beloved Heavenly Father calls us not to be haughty nor to put our hopes in riches, that we guard ourselves from all avarice because the life of man does not consist of the goods he possesses.

 3 years ago 

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